world history


semi-finals 2017
gabby longlivebooks4
Flashcards by gabby longlivebooks4, updated more than 1 year ago
gabby longlivebooks4
Created by gabby longlivebooks4 almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
babar established mogul empire in India
canute Danish king of England
Hammurabi created ancient law code in Babylon
hannibal led war elephants against tRome
Hernando Cortes conquered the Aztecs Indians
Isaac Newton father of modern science
john wycliffe morning star of the reformation
Mansa Musa great empire builder in africa
mary tudor bloody mary; persecuted Christians
Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel
Muhammad founder of Isam
Nero first Roman emperor to persecute Christians
Nimrod built world's first empire
Pedro Cabral discovered Brazil for Portugal
Pericles great statesman of ancient Athens
Tertillian early church father and martyr
Tutankhamen Egyptian pharaoh
Homer wrote Iliad and the Odyssey
Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesus
Johann Gutenberg invented the movable printing press
augsburg confession first Prodestant confession of faith
classic work of excellence that has stood the test of time
council of nicaea rejected teaching of Arianism
culture a way of life of a group of people
cuneiform sumerian writing
democracy ruled by the many
Edict of Nantes granted toleration to Huguenots
fief a piece of land
heraldry worn on armor for identification
huguenots French calvinists prodestants
inquistion court roman church to try heretics
parthenon beautiful greek temple
patricians the rich of rome
polytheist worship of many gods
reconquista moors driven from spain
scholasticism combines greek philosophy roman theology
shinto Japan's oldest surviving religion
theocracy ruled by God' Israel's government before the kings
john foxe wrote the book of martyrs
willian of orange father of Dutch liberties
william shakespeare greatest English author of all times
alexander the great spread Hellenic culture
charlemagne was crowned emperor of the romans
constantine first Roman emperor to convert
cyrus the great established the Persian emire
desiderius erasmus produced first printed N.T. in original Greek
Hatshepsut egypt's only female pharaoh
hugh Latimer, Thomas cranmer, Nicholas Ridley protestant leaders during the reign of Edward Vii
isaac watts father of the English hymn
johann eck debated Luther at Leipzig
john huss bohemian reformer; burned at the stake
john Knox lead protestants in Scotland
nebuchadnezzar ruled Babylonian empire
pope Gregory i first medieval pope
richelieu powerful cardinal
vasco de balboa discovered the Pacific ocean
battle of hastings won by William the Conqueror in 1066
bible's name for Egypt land of Ham
date of Martin Luther posted the 95 theses Oct.31,1517
ended the thirty-year wars peace of Westphalia
the English monarch that began the Reformation henry vii
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