Chemistry - Gases ( second note package )


Grade 11 Chem 20
Flashcards by Kastania, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kastania almost 10 years ago

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Question Answer
What does Pressure measure? Pressure measures how often molecules collide with one another
Pressure measures how often ____ collide with one another Molecules
What measures how often molecules collide with one another? Pressure
In how many ways can pressure be increased? 2
What can be increased in two ways? Pressure
What are the 2 ways pressure can be increased? Pressure can be increased 1) moving the molecules closer together 2) increasing the speed at which the molecules travel to make collisions more frequent
What is the type of relationship between pressure and volume ? Pressure and volume have an inverse (opposite) relationship
Pressure and volume have an _____ relationship between them Inverse ( opposite )
As volume increases, what happens to pressure? pressure decreases
As pressure decreases, volume ______ Increases
If pressure increases, what happens to volume? Volume decreases
If volume decreases, pressure _____ Pressure increases
What did Boyle and other scientists determine about the relationship between pressure and volume? They determined that the relationship between pressure and volume was constant at a given temperature and amount, of any gas.
If temperature and the number of moles of a gas stay the same, which formula can be used? P1V! = P2V2
When can the formula P1V1 = P2V2 be used? It can be used when the temperature and amount of moles of a gas stay the same
What is the symbol for Pressure? P
The formula P1V1 = P2V2 can be used as long as temperature and the number of moles of a gas __________ as long as they stay the same
When the Celsius temperature scale was created it was based off of 2 numbers, what are those numbers? the freezing point of water = 0 & the boiling point of water = 100
What is the symbol for Volume? V
What does temperature measure? it measures how much energy a substance has
What measures how much energy a substance has? Temperature
________ is a measure of how much energy a substance has Temperature
in order for scientists to use temperature as a part of their mathematical calculations a new _________ ____ was needed Temperature scale
a new temperature scale was created so scientists could what? So they could use temperature in their mathematical calculations.
Would a change in 1 degree be the same energy change in this new scale as it was the Celsius scale? Yes
0 degrees on the Kelvin scale would represent the point, at which what happens? The point at which all atomic motion stops
What degree on the Kelvin cycle represents the point at which all atomic motion stops? 0 degrees
How was the Kelvin scale created ? It was created by observing the relationship of volume and temperature in gasses.
By observing the relationship of volume and temperature in gasses, a scale was created. what is that scale? The kelvin scale
What is the Combined Gas law It is a way to express the relationships between temperature, pressure, and volume at any fixed amount of gas
What is the new scale called ( the one used in calculations ) The Kelvin Scale
It was found that at -273.15 degrees all gasses would theoretically have no ______ no Volume
At what degree was is it found that all gasses would theoretically have no volume? at -273.15 degrees celsius
What does Charles law require? It requires that both the amount of the gas and the pressure of the gas remain constant
Was -273.15 degrees used as 0 degrees to create the kelvin scale? yes
To convert Kelvin to Celsius, ________ Subtract 273.15
To convert from Celsius to Kelvin______ Add 273.15
At sea level what is the average atmospheric pressure ? 101. 325 kPa also known as ! atm
Charles' Las only applies when what? When temperature has been measured in degrees Kelvin
Mathematically Charles' Law formula is ..............? V1 / T1 = V2 / T2
Whose laws are combined to form the Combined Gas Law? Boyle's and Charles
What does the combined gas law express? It expresses the relationships between temperature, pressure and volume at any fixed amount of gas
Formula for Combined Gas Law is? P1 V1 / T1 = P2 V2 / T2
What are scientific laws and theories? they are explanations of the evidence that scientists have collected
What are laws in science? They are observations and often only true in certain conditions
Often laws are well comfiermend _________ statments Factual
Formula to calculate moles ? n = V / Vm
What do theories explain? They explain the mechanisms behind laws they are true in a wide range of situations and they have been repeatedly confirmed
Charles Law As one increases the other ___ ________ proportionally As one increases the other also increases proportionally
Neither laws nor theories are " _______ " Scientific guesses
Do theories and laws change when new evidence comes to light that they cannot account for? yes they do
Before laws and theories can be accepted their must be what? Supporting evidence
Each state of matter has different types of ______ in its particles Motion
Charles Law The relationship between volume and temperature is a direct relationship
Solids have ________ motion Vibrational
What type of motion does a solid have? Vibrational Motion
Liquids have _____ , ________ , & __________ motion Vibrational Rotational Translational
What types of motions do liquids have? They have vibrational, rotational, and translational
Gases have _____ motion translational
What type motion do gases have? Translational
Fluids can flow, since ______ motion allows them to move past each other translational
Translational? In a straight line from one spot to another without interruption
What 4 things must an acceptable theory do? 1) describe observations in terms of non-observable ideas 2) explain existing evidence 3) predict results of future experiments 4) be as simple as possible in concept and application
Gases can be ______ until translational motion becomes vibrational compressed
How can a gas be changed into having a vibrational motion instead of a translational motion? By compressing the gas
Vibrational Stays in one spot and vibrates very very little
Rotational stays in same spot, only re- ordinates itself
Because real gases behave slightly different from ideal gases, the numbers predicted by PV=nRT will be slightly______ slightly off, but usually the difference is insignificant
what does the law of combining volumes state? It states that when measured at the same temp & pressure, volume of gaseous reactants and products of chemical reactions are always in simple ratios of whole numbers
Who proposed a further explanation for volume ratios in terms of number of molecules Amedeo Avagadro
What does Avogadros' theory propose? It proposes that equal volumes of gases at the same temp and pressure contain equal number of molecules
All gases at a specific temp and pressure must be a certain volume- molar volume- that contains ___ _____ __ ___ One mole of particles
Molar Volume? Is the volume that one mole of gas occupies at a specified temp and pressure
SATP molar volume is _________ 24.8 L/mol
STP molar volume is ______ 22.4 L/mol
Symbol for molar volume ? Vm
In real gases what happens when temperature decreases ? Molecules slow down until intermolecular forces are able to condense them into liquids
When a gas is being compressed so it can change into vibrational motion, what happens ? The gases pressure increases until collisions occur constantly
Does an ideal gas condense into a liquid when cooled? No
In real gasses as pressure increases what happens to the molecules? They are forced close together, making their size similar to the distancse between them
What type of velocity do ideal gases move at? They move at a constant velocity in a straight line with no intermolecular forces
Are Ideal gasses far apart or close together ? They are very far apart, so the size of their molecules is meaningless
Ideal Gas? An ideal gas is a hypothetical gas that obeys all the gas laws perfectly under all conditions
In real gasses does the shape change when molecules collide? Yes the shape changes slightly when molecules collide, slowing it down
what formula do we use when temperature, pressure, volume and chemical amount/matter are connected P V = n R T
What is R ? It is the universal gas constant at 8.314
When particles collide in ideal gasses is energy lost? No energy is lost when particles collide and the molecules shape doesn't change making the collision totally elastic
significant difference usually only occurs when? when the gas is close to becoming a liquid
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