The Earth's Surface


Anticline, Avalanche, Collide, Continental Drift, Convection Currents, Core, Crust, Epicentre, Focus, Lahar, Magma, Mantle, Molten, Plate Boundary, Richter Scale, Seismograph, Seismologist, Separate, Syncline, Tremor, Tsunami, Vibration
Riona Stevenson
Flashcards by Riona Stevenson, updated more than 1 year ago
Riona Stevenson
Created by Riona Stevenson over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Anticline Downward fold or trough in rock
Avalanche The rapid movement of snow down a slope
Collide When things hit off eachother
Continental drift The process whereby the Earth's plates move and carry the continents with them
Convection current Circular movement of magma in the mantle, which rises, moves to the side then drops again
Core Centre of the Earth
Crust Outer layer of the Earth
Epicentre The point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
Focus The location in the Earth's crust where an earthquake occurs
Lahar A wet mass of volcanic fragments flowing rapidly downhill
Magma Molten rock that flows in convection currents within the Earth's mantle
Molten Made liquid by heat
Plate boundry A place where 2 plates meet
Richter scale A measure in intensity of earthquakes
Seismograph An instrument which records the intensity of earthquakes
Seismologist A person who studies earthquake activity
Separate To come apart
Syncline An upward fold or arch in rock
Tremor A shaking or vibration movement
Tsunami A large, destructive sea wave caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor
Vibration To move back and forth, especially rhythmically and rapidly
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