Bird Anatomy Flashcards


High school Ornithology Final Flashcards on Bird Anatomy Flashcards, created by jessica.laplant79 on 17/12/2014.
Flashcards by jessica.laplant79, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jessica.laplant79 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the Furcula? "The wishbone"; a flexible bone that aids in flight.
What is the Keel? A large bone to which the powerful breast muscles attach.
What bones of the bird have the same names as their human counterparts? Leg bones (femur, tibia, fibula) and wing bones (humerus, radius, ulna).
What is the function of a birds kidneys? Helps filter nitrogenous wastes, but doesn't eliminate urea (urine) like humans!
How do birds eliminate nitrogenous wastes? In the form of uric acid, aka the white stuff on your car. (Ew, I'm going to wash my car... Oh wait)
How many chambers does a birdie heart have? Four, just like mammals.
Why do birds rely on their higher metabolic rate? To increase the speed of nerve cells.
What parts of the bird help maintain the body temperature? Feet and legs
Why do some birds extend and expose their wings in extreme heat? To regulate body temps (ex. Least Tern)
What makes a bird's respiratory system so efficient? Air flows in only one direction, and they are equipped with elaborate system of air sacs.
What is the Syrnx? Key part of avian anatomy. Located at the base of the trachea and is responsible for bird vocalizations.
What are ways birds maintain body temp? Legs, feet, exposing and extending wings.
Where does the fertilization of the eggs occur? Internally, in the oviduct.
What is the shortest amount of time between fertilization and laying of eggs? 24 hours
How are avian chromosomes designated? Male (ZZ) Female (WZ)
What is the typical arrangement for breeding in birds? One male with one female.
What are a few reasons that females may choose males? Territory or competition, but sometimes choice is completely unrelated.
What is a lek? A place that females choose males. Think single's bar: men strut their stuff. More colorful and large feathers may create thought: this guy has good genes.
How does incubation work? Varies. Usually split, but sometimes left to one parent. Females will shed fathers and create a "brooding patch".
What are some places that nesting success is higher? Higher altitudes and holes. Helps when bird is larger.
What is cooperative breeding? When nonbreeding birds work together breeding pairs to raise young?
Types of nests? There are cavity nesters, cup nesters, and scrape nesters like the Least Tern.
What is brood parasitism? Behavior of laying eggs in different nests. These eggs will usually crowd out or kill other birds.
What is the difference between altricial young and precocial young? Altricial= "young, blind, and helpless" Precocial= may leave the nest within days of hatching
Describe the terms of bird development in order from youngest to oldest. Hatchling, Nestling, Fledgling, Immature, and Mature/Adult.
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