Chapter 10


10th grade World History Flashcards on Chapter 10, created by Marissa Beaber on 13/11/2019.
Marissa Beaber
Flashcards by Marissa Beaber, updated more than 1 year ago
Marissa Beaber
Created by Marissa Beaber almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Militarism The belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
Armistice In war, an agreement to stop fighting, either temporarily or permanently.
War of Attrition A conflict where neither side can make any headway; instead, both sides are worn down slowly.
Reparations Money to make up for the destruction they had caused.
Kaiser Wilhelm II Ended Germany’s alliance with Russia. Reversed Bismarck’s policy of not threatening British naval superiority. Began new rivalries with Russia and Britain.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand His assassination was the cause of WWI in 1914. Heir to the Austrian throne. Gavrilo Princip. Death started a chain reaction that set the alliances of Europe against each other and began WWI.
Woodrow Wilson Brought the U.S. into the war in 1917 over the issue of freedom of the seas.
Tsar Nicholas II Ruthlessly suppressed a revolution. Was replaced by a Provisional government, made of representatives of several political parties.
Vladimir Lenin The exiled leader of the Bolshevik party. New Economic Policy (N.E.P.). Joseph Stalin took over as leader of the Soviet Union after Lenin’s death in 1924.
Joseph Stalin Took over as leader of the Soviet Union after Lenin’s death in 1924.
Triple Alliance Germany, Austria, and Italy.
Triple Entente France, Britain, and Russia.
German Empire
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Ottoman Empire
Russian Empire
Causes of WWI Alliances Nationalism Diplomatic Failures Imperialism Militarism
Members of T.A. Germany, Austria, and Italy.
Members of T.E. France, Britain, and Russia.
Countries Kaiser made rivalries Russia and Britain.
Assassination that began the war Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Von Schlieffen Plan Hoped to smash through tiny Belgium and defeat France_quickly, then turn east to face the Russian army.
Western Front The war that began in 1914, that was long and horrible.
The Eastern Front The Russians attacked eastern Germany, forcing the Germans to fight on two fronts at the same time.
Why the U.S. entered WWI Over the issue of freedom of the seas.
New weapons of wars -Tanks -Aircraft -Submarines -Poison Gas -Long-range artillery -Machine gun
Terms of the Treaty of Versallies –Germany was forced to accept guilt for the war. –The German military size was limited. –Germany lost territory, and had to pay reparations.
The Fourteenth Point The creation of a League of Nations.
Empires that ended in WWI –The Ottoman Empire –The Austro-Hungarian Empire –The Russian Empire –The German Empire
What colonial leaders demanded after the war Independence
Causes of Tsar's over throwing –A lack of land for the peasants. –The Tsar’s extravagant court life. –The military defeats and high casualties of WWI.
Changes made by Bolsheviks –They gave control of the factories to the workers. –Russian banks were put under state control. –They confiscated the property of the Orthodox Church.
The New Economic Policy (N.E.P) The plan restored some features of capitalism to promote trade and increase production.
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