Penn Foster Veterinary Terminology (Prefixes & Suffixes)


Veterinary Medicine Flashcards on Penn Foster Veterinary Terminology (Prefixes & Suffixes), created by Carmen Rosario on 05/05/2020.
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Patricia Moore
Created by Patricia Moore over 6 years ago
Carmen Rosario
Copied by Carmen Rosario over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
-ALGIA pain
-DYNIA pain
-EMIA blood condition
-IA condition, disease
-ITIS inflammation
-LEPSY seizure or attack
-MALACIA softening
-MEGALY enlargement
-OMA tumor, mass
-OSIS abnormal condition
-PATHY disease
-PENIA deficiency
-PLEGIA paralysis
-PNEA breathing
-SCLEROSIS hardening
-RRHAGE bursting forth
-RRHEA flow, discharge
-RRHEXIS breaking open
-CENTESIS puncture and aspiration
-ECTOMY surgical removal
-GENIC producing, forming
-GRAPHY process of recording
-LYSIS separation
-OPSY view of, vision
-PLASTY surgical repair
-SCOPY visual examination
-STOMY opening
-TOMY incision, cutting
-AC, -IAC -AL, -EAL, -IAL -AR, -ARY -IC, -ICAL -INE -ULAR pertaining to
-ELLA small
-IATRIC medical treatment
-OID resembling
-OUS characteristic of
-PLAST cell, living substance
-PLASTY formation, plastic repair of
-VOROUS eating
A- AN- no, not, without
ANA- up, apart
ANTI- against
AUTO- self
BI- DI- two
BRADY- deficient, under
CHLORO- green
CHROMO- color
CO- COM- CON- with, together
CYANO- blue
DE- down, lack of
DECI- one-tenth
DIA- through, between, apart, across, completely
DYS- bad, painful
HEMI- half
HEXA- six
HYPER- excessive, above
HYPO- below, deficient
LEUKO- white
MACRO- large
MAL- bad
MELANO- black
META- change, beyond
MICRO- small
MONO- one, single
MULTI- many
NEO- new
PAN- all
PENT- five
POLY- many, much
PSEUDO- false
QUADR- four
SUB- less than, beneath
SYM- SYN- with, together
TACHY- fast
TRI- three
ULTRA- beyond
XANTH- yellow
AB- away from
AD- toward, near
ANTE- PRO- PROS- before, forward
DIA- through
DIS- apart, away from
EC- ECTO- outside
ENDO- within, in, inner
EPI- above, upon
EX- out
EXTRA- outside of
IN- in, into
INFRA- below, beneath
INTER- between
INTRA- within
META- beyond, change
PARA- near, alongside
PERI- surrounding
POST- after, behind
PRE- PRO- PROS- before, forward
RE- back, again
RETRO- behind, backward
SUB- beneath, less than
SUPRA- above, upper
TRANS- across, through
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