CE Int p6-7 Question and Short Answers flashcards


CE Intermediate Unit 1: Language focus 1
Shona O'Donnell
Flashcards by Shona O'Donnell, updated more than 1 year ago
Shona O'Donnell
Created by Shona O'Donnell about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Am I late? (no) No, you're not.
Are your parents rich? (no) No, they're not.
Has your sister lived in Glasgow for a long time? (no) No, she hasn't.
Have we been there before? (no) No, we haven't.
Does your mother cook dinner every night? (no) No, she doesn't.
Did you go on holiday last year? (no) No, I didn't.
Are we going out tonight? (yes) Yes, we are.
Was I wrong? (yes) Yes, you were.
Have your parents been to America? (yes) Yes, they have.
Has your father got a new car? (yes) Yes, he has.
Do you like getting up early? (yes) Yes, I do.
Do your family text you often? (yes) Yes, they do.
Did your sister pass her exam? (yes) Yes, she did.
Have you got a dog? (no) No, I haven't.
Is your brother older than you? (Yes) Yes, he is.
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