Byzantine Empire


Ten World History (Byzantine Empire) Flashcards on Byzantine Empire, created by sdumas on 14/10/2015.
Flashcards by sdumas, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sdumas over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What made Constantinople so important -The cross roads of land and sea -wealthy from trade -had strong defenses -excellent strategic position linking Europe and Asia
Who was Justinian -emperor from 527-565 -determined to revive ancient Rome -conquered North Africa, Italy, and the southern Iberian peninsula -caused the Byzantine empire to reach its peak -rebuilt the church of Hagia Sophia and the city around it
Justinian's Code -a massive collection of laws -called the Corpus Juris Civilis, or "Body of Civil Law" -legal writings of Roman judges and a handbook for students -collect, revised law of Europe -monarchs and national law were greatly influenced by this
Who was Theodora -the wife of Justinian -a politician -served as adviser and co-ruler to Justinian -started as an actress
Hagia Sophia -a cathedral in Istanbul -constructed in 532 -now a museum -reflects both heritages of Christianity and Islamic religions
What are icons -holy images -contributed to the schism in the Church -one emperor tried to ban icons because he thought it was like worshiping the images instead of God
The Great Schism -occurred 1054 -controversies that provoked a schism between Eastern and Western Christianity -Byzantine= Greek Orthodox Church -Roman= Roman Catholic Church
What made Constantinople a vital center of the empire? -trade routes within land and sea -walls= incredible defensive walls -linked Europe and Asia/ main trade route
In what ways did eastern and western Christianity differ? eastern: western:
What is an autocrat? How did the Byzantine emperors differ from a king? - a ruler who has absolute power. Including over the Church affairs - Byzantine emperors, however, don't affiliate with Church business
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