All my sons - Shame and Guilt


A-Level English Language and Literature Flashcards on All my sons - Shame and Guilt, created by sophiearthurton on 21/05/2016.
Flashcards by sophiearthurton, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophiearthurton over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Keller -Displaces his guilt onto others and tries to justify his actions in order to cope. -Chris forces him to admit his culpability. -The way he speaks about Steve = he can't escape his guilt. -When people condemn Steve, he feels personally attacked. Dramatically defends Steve.
Keller and Chris -Chris turns his back on Keller > Keller realises how serious his crime was. -Instead of attempting to come to terms with his disgrace, he attacks his family for not supporting him. -Keller only comes to terms after hearing Larry's letter.
Chris -Uncomfortable with father's success. -Guilt = failure to voice doubts about validity of father's story. -Keller's crime is the event that links all sources of shame. -Chris can't bear being associated with Keller who killed servicemen like him.
Kate -Total knowledge of true events but chooses to help Keller in his deception. -Denies most painful result of shop incident = Larry's death. - escapes blame -Thinks she doesn't need to accept guilt, as long as weren't responsible for Larry's death. -Emphasises Keller's guilt, attacks him by tying him to Larry's death. Pointing out his guilt she avoids her own.
Ann -Ashamed of Steve = who tried to minimize his own guilt by highlighting Keller's. -Symbolically severed ties with her father - determined not to be tainted by Father's crime. Everyone assumes she's kept in contact with him - brings her constant reminders. -Shame = she initially supported her father, only to realize his guilt. -Resentment stems from surrendering her faith in her father.
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