Protein Secretion & The SecY Pathway


Medical Microbiology (Protein Secretion) Flashcards on Protein Secretion & The SecY Pathway, created by gina_evans0312 on 01/03/2014.
Flashcards by gina_evans0312, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gina_evans0312 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
SecY Ubiquitous protein that uses SecYeg channels in the membrane to secrete proteins
TAT (Twin Argernine System) Transport of fully folded proteins (inner membrane only)
Secretion Systems (Types I-IV & VI) Inner & Outer Membrane transport (can be Sec independent or Sec requiring)
Type V Autotransporter Like Types 1-IV & VI, often encoded by pathogenicity islands
SecY- Protein Sorting/Targeting An N-terminal targeting signal sequence
SecY- SecB For exported proteins
SecY- SRP Signal recognition particle (for membrane proteins)
SecY- Translocation Protein Channel SecY, E and Gamma
SecY-SecA ATPase that provides energy for translocation
SecY- Release Signal sequence is cleaved by peptidases and proteins fold
SecY-Channel Occurs as a partially active dimer (one monomer active, one inactive)
1) Sec B dimer binds the protein and... brings it to SecY channel
2) The 'plug' keeps SecY closed until... it interacts with the signal sequence
3) ATP hydrolysis causes.... SecA to pump the protein through the SecY channel
SecB Dependent- Destination Outside of the cell or the outer cell membrane
SecB Dependent- Is the protein folded No
SecB Dependent- Channel Target Sec A
SRP Dependent- Destination Membrane itself
SRP Dependent- Ribosome binding Yes
SRP Dependent- Channel Target FTSY
SRP Dependent- Folded No- is translated directly through channel
Sec Y Signal Peptide- Length 25 amino acids
Sec Y Signal Peptide- N Region +ve
Sec Y Signal Peptide- H Region Hydrophobic
Sec Y Signal Peptide- C Region AXA sequence immediately preceeding cleavage site
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