Ottoman Decline


11th grade World History (Industrial Era) Flashcards on Ottoman Decline, created by Zacory Shakespear on 01/02/2017.
Zacory Shakespear
Flashcards by Zacory Shakespear, updated more than 1 year ago
Zacory Shakespear
Created by Zacory Shakespear over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Selim III Sultan who tried to reform Ottoman military and government. Killed by Janissaries before he could do anything
Mahmud II Sultan who destroyed the Janissaries and then started to reform things. Successful.
Tanzimat Reforms Series of reforms following Mahmud II that westernized the Ottoman Empire
Abdul Hamid Conservative sultan that wanted to undo the reforms. Did so, but increased tension
Ayan The landed elite class of the Ottoman Empire which saw growth in power as the empire waned.
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