IB Cold War Dates


GCSE History Flashcards on IB Cold War Dates , created by Arianna Weaving on 03/04/2017.
Arianna Weaving
Flashcards by Arianna Weaving, updated more than 1 year ago
Arianna Weaving
Created by Arianna Weaving over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
November 1944 Tehran Conference
February 1945 Yalta Conference
April 1945 Roosevelt dies - Truman made President
May 1945 Victory in Europe
June 1945 UNO formed
July 1945 Potsdam Conference
August 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki
February 1946 Stalin's Two Camps Speech
March 1946 Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
March 1947 Truman Doctrine
June 1947 Marshall Plan Proposed
July 1947 Kennan's 'Mr X' Article
October 1947 Cominform Created
February 1948 Czech Coup : Marshall Plan implmented
June 1948 Berlin Blockade and Yugoslavia expelled from Cominform
November 1948 Truman Re-elected
January 1949 COMECON founded
April 1949 NATO established
May 1949 Berlin Blockade ends
September 1949 USSR explodes atom bomb and FDR established
October 1949 GDR established and Mao proclaims foundation of People's republic in China
April 1950 NSC-68
June 1950 North Korea invades South Korea
September 1951 USA and Japan sign mutual security pact
November 1952 Eisenhower elected
March 1953 Stalin dies
June 1953 East German Uprising
July 1953 Armistice in Korea
January 1954 Dulles announces 'massive retaliation' policy
May 1954 Fall of Dien Bien Phu
July 1954 Geneva Conference on Vietnam
September 1954 SEATO established
October 1954 West Germany joins NATO
May 1955 Warsaw Pact signed
July 1955 Geneva Summit
September 1955 Nasser announces arms deal with USSR
November 1955 Baghdad Pact
February 1956 Krushchev's 'de-Stalinization' speech / 'peaceful co-existence' promoted
July 1956 Suez Crisis
October 1956 Hungarian Uprising suppressed
October 1957 Sputnik launched by USSR
January 1959 Castro takes power in Cuba
May 1959 Dulles dies
September 1959 Khrushchev visits USA
May 1960 U-2 spy plane shot down over USSR
November 1960 Kennedy elected and Sino-Soviet split confirmed
January 1961 USA breaks off relations with Cuba
August 1961 Berlin Wall built
October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
August 1963 Partial Test-ban Treaty signed in Moscow (USA, USSR and UK)
November 1963 President Kennedy assassinated - Johnson now President
August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution / USA goes to war in Vietnam
October 1964 Khrushchev deposed - replaced by Brezhnev and China detonates A - bomb
November 1964 Johnson re-elected
July 1968 Brezhnev Doctrine
August 1968 Warsaw Pact invades Czechoslovakia
November 1968 Nixon elected
November 1969 Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty
April 1970 SALT talks begin
October 1971 UN admits China, expelling Taiwan
February 1972 Nixon visits China
May 1972 Nixon visits USSR and SALT 1 signed
November 1972 Nixon re-elected
August 1974 Nixon resigns over Watergate
April 1975 Communist victory in Veitnam & Cambodia
August 1975 Helsinki Final Act signed
February 1976 SEATO disbands
September 1976 Mao dies
November 1976 Carter elected
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