Citizenship Revision Flashcards


Flashcards on Citizenship Revision Flashcards, created by Chloe Fairs on 10/05/2017.
Chloe Fairs
Flashcards by Chloe Fairs, updated more than 1 year ago
Chloe Fairs
Created by Chloe Fairs over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How do you get the government to change their decisions or take notice of you? *Write a letter of complaint *Go on strike *Petition *Leaflet against it *Boycott *Lobbying *Use of Social Media
What is a pressure group? A pressure group is a group of people who take action to try and influence the government. E.G. RSPCA, NSPCC
Pressure Group= A campaign is about one issue. E.G. Suffragettes wanted to get the women's vote. A pressure group is much wider course such as Greenpeace want to protect environment. Campaigns are often short lived once they have met their aims they stop but pressure groups continue to take action.
NSPCC *They want to stop cruelty to children *The government to change the law *The European Union-affect all children *Public raise awareness
Insider Pressure Groups They work with the government and talk to them as they have expert knowledge on the subject (NSPCC)
Outsider Pressure Groups Do not work with the government (Fathers 4 Justice)
What is Trade Union? A trade Union is a group of workers in the same trade/job who have equal rights and common interests.
Different Forms of media *Film/music *Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat *Advertisement *Radio *Television *Posters/newspapers/magazines
What is a Community Group? Is a group of people who meet in a local area. May be due to a shared hobby or sport.
Cases of divided communities *Prejudice *Discrimination *Stereotyping *Racism *Lack of identity *Intolerant *Not represented
What are the three groups Parliament is made up of? -House of Commons -House of Lords -The Queen
What do the Legislation do? They make up new laws. E.G. adults can't smoke in a car with under 17's in.
What is a Local Government Councillor? Community leader. Someone chosen by the area to represent them in council.
What is a boycott? A type of campaign where people quite their jobs until they get what they were campaigning for.
What is the voting system in the UK? First Past The Post. Whoever gets the majority of votes wins the election. People consider it unfair because if someone wins 59% that means 41% didn't want him/her.
What is proportional representation? Is when the percentage of the votes is how much parliamentary seats are given.
Rights A right is an entitlement or a freedom-This is what you are owed.
What do Amnesty International do? They work for everyone to have human rights. They lead campaigns and fight to have laws.
State 4 human rights. -Working in a safe and secure environment. -Right to equality and freedom of choice. -Right to all be equal. -Being paid minimum wage
Non-Government organisations concerned with human rights *Liberty *Amnesty International
Origins of human rights 1948, united nations declaration of human rights (30 articles). 1953, european convention of human rights. 1998, UK human rights act
What is mass media? Is a term used to denote a section of the media designed to reach a large audience of people. E.G. television, Internet.
What is lobbying? It is a person or a group of people meeting and trying to persuade a politician to take up their cause.
What is a focus group? A focus group is a group that only has one issue and once that issue is met they disband.
What is democracy? A democracy is a system of government of the people of a country, by those people electing represetatives to make laws and decisions. Rule by majority of people..
What has Jamie Oliver campaigned for? He's campaigned to ban the junk food in schools and instead get fresh, healthy, tasty lunches.
What is a general election? A general election is an opportunity for people in every part of the UK to choose their MP.
What is a charity? A charity is an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.
What is devolution? the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by central government to local or regional administration..
What is volunteering? Volunteering is you freely offer to do something. You can work for an organisation without getting paid.
What is "First Past The Post"? First Past the Post is the electoral system used to elect the UK parliament. Under First Past the Post voting takes place in constituencies that elect a single MP each. Voters put a cross on a ballot paper next to their favoured candidate and the candidate with the most votes in the constituency wins.
What are consumer rights? 1. Protection of health and safety 2. Right to full info about goods 3. Right to return goods and get a refund. 4. Guarantees and after sales services. 5. Safety of toys 6. Ban of advertisement of certain products and at certain times 7. Protecting consumers economic internet
What is a referendum? A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision. E.G. Vote to leave the EU.
Who is the UK's head of state? Elizabeth !!
What is the royal assent? Royal Assent is the Monarch's agreement that is required to make a Bill into an Act of Parliament.
What is a campaign? A campaign is an action or event that is organised by either an individual or a group of people to achieve an aim.
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