The Aztec


Mind Map on The Aztec, created by Emma Carey on 10/07/2014.
Emma Carey
Mind Map by Emma Carey, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma Carey
Created by Emma Carey over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Aztecs
  1. Aztec Origins
    1. Human Sacrifice
      1. Aztec Gods
      2. Mexico
        1. Clever People
          1. Bustling City
            1. Conquered Tribes
            2. Spanish Conquered them
            3. Aztec Behaviour
              1. The Rich
                1. Steam Baths
                  1. Decorated Clothes
                    1. Feathers=Status
                    2. The Poor
                      1. Farmers
                        1. Never any feathers
                          1. Huts
                          2. Marriage
                            1. men=20 yrs old
                              1. women=14/15 yrs old
                                1. Matchmaker
                                  1. old woman
                                    1. piggyback to new bride
                                  2. coats tide=married
                                  3. children
                                    1. strict code of behaviour
                                      1. killed
                                      2. All kids=school
                                        1. loved sports games & poetry
                                      3. Aztec Laws
                                        1. Very Strict
                                          1. Break laws=execuion
                                            1. all kids= very good behaviour
                                          2. Aztec Slaves
                                            1. kids of slaves=free citizens
                                              1. nobles=financed slave kids
                                                1. kids studied laws
                                                  1. 2 ways to become slave
                                                    1. punished for breaking law
                                                      1. sold by family
                                                    2. Getting rid of slaves
                                                      1. 3 x brought to plaza to prove broke laws
                                                        1. slave market
                                                          1. Slave had to be sold 3 times
                                                            1. now sacrificed
                                                      2. difficulties in owning slaves
                                                        1. 1. slaves made a run for it
                                                          1. 2. masters son try to catch slave
                                                            1. 3. if slave not caught=free
                                                              1. if anybody other than master son interferred with race=slave now
                                                        2. could marry freewoman
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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