

1 Pharmacology Mind Map on Drugs, created by Kwanyin Chevry on 10/12/2014.
Kwanyin Chevry
Mind Map by Kwanyin Chevry, updated more than 1 year ago
Kwanyin Chevry
Created by Kwanyin Chevry over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors
    1. Action: Suppress formation of angiotensin II from the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, reduce pepripheral resistance, and improve cardiac imput
      1. Treats: Hypertension and Heart Failure
        1. Monitor: BP & Pulse
          1. Common Side Effects: Hypotension Cough Hyperkalemia Dizziness GI Distress Headache
            1. Always ends in PRIL
      2. Avoid Potassium
        1. Give on empty stomach
          1. Generic & Trade Name: Lisinopril (Zestril) Enalpril (Vastec)
          2. Beta-Adrenergic Antagonists (BETA BLOCKERS)
            1. Action: Block sympathetic nervous system catecholamines, resulting in reduced renin and aldosterone release fluid balance. Vasodilation of arterioles leads to a decrase in pulmonary vascular resistance and blood pressure.
              1. Treats: Hypertension, Angina and Dysrhythmias
                1. Common Side Effects: Drowsiness Depression Symptoms of CHF: (SOB, Coughing, Edema Fatigue)
                  1. Take before meals
                    1. Generic & Trade Names: Metoprolol (Lopressor)
                      1. Always ends in OLOL
                  2. Monitor: BP & I&O/ Vital Signs
                  3. Potassuim Sparing Diuretics
                    1. Action: Has a direct effect on the distal tubules in the kidney. Competes with aldosterone for cell-receptor sites in the distal tubules while inducing urinary excretion of sodium and reducing excretion of potassium and hydrogen ions.
                      1. Prevents loss of potassium.
                      2. Treats: Hypertension and Edema
                        1. Monitor : I&O & Levels of Electrolytes (potassium, sodium)
                          1. Common Side Effects: Hyperkalemia
                            1. Avoid Potassium
                              1. Generic & Trade Names: Spironolactone (Aldactone)
                        2. Alpha Adrenergic Blockers
                          1. Treats: Urinary construction caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
                            1. Action: Block receptors that relax the smooth muscle of the bladder neck, thereby reducing the obstruction of the urethra.
                              1. Monitor: I&O and BP
                                1. Common Side Effects: Hypotension Fainting Dizziness Abnormal Ejacuation
                                  1. Generic & Trade Names: Tamsulosin (Flomax)
                              2. Loop Diuretics
                                1. Action: Inhibits sodium and chloride reabsorption through direct action primarily in the ascending loop of Henle.
                                  1. Monitor: Vital Signs, I&O, and potassium loss.
                                    1. General & Trade Names: Furosemide: Lasix
                                    2. Common Side Effects: dehydration, hyperglycemia, orthostatic hypotension, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain
                                    3. Used for hypertension, edema and to produce more urine.
                                    4. Calcium Channel Blockers
                                      1. Action: Block calcium access to the cells, causing decreased heart contractility and conductivity and leading to a decreased demand for oxygen.
                                        1. Causes constipation
                                        2. Treats: Angina, Hypertension, and Dysrhythmias
                                          1. Monitor: Vital Signs
                                            1. Avoid Grapefruit Juice
                                            2. Generic and Trade Names: Diltiazem (Cardizem)
                                              1. Common Side Effects: edema of the extremities, decreased BP,
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