Ethnic Minorities


Distribution of Poverty between different Social Groups
Mind Map by Kirbi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kirbi over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Ethnic Minorities
  1. Department of Work and Pensions (2009) two fifths of EM are in poverty
    1. Reasons for high poverty
      1. Unemployment
        1. Racial discimination
          1. 5 Lives
            1. Traditional "white" sounding names were replied to in their job offers
              1. 9% of Muslim applicants were accepted
                1. Applications for "black" candidates only had 13% success rate
                2. 70% of EM live in the 88 most deprived areas
                  1. Less job opportunities
                    1. Horizontal segregation
                3. Poverty rates for Pakistani and Bangladeshi are 60% and 70%
                  1. Flaherty (2004)
                    1. Could be because relying on one income because women conform to traditional gender roles
                  2. 2007/8 52% of black Caribbean people received the lowest grades
                    1. More likely to face vertical segregation
                    2. ONS (2010) 36% of Bangladeshi/Pakistani have low paid jobs
                      1. 26% of Black African
                        1. 23% of Black Caribbean
                          1. 22% of Indian
                            1. Pakistani central in manufactoring
                              1. Bangladeshi & Chinese: catering
                                1. Caribbean & African: manual
                                2. 27% of Chinese & 25% of Indian experience higher rates of professional positions
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