Dement and Kleitman (1954)


A-level Psychology Mind Map on Dement and Kleitman (1954), created by Georgia Stanley on 19/04/2015.
Georgia Stanley
Mind Map by Georgia Stanley, updated more than 1 year ago
Georgia Stanley
Created by Georgia Stanley over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Dement and Kleitman (1954)
  1. sample
    1. opportunity sampling
      1. 9 Pts
        1. 7 adult males
          1. 2 adult females
            1. 5 were studied intensivley
            2. why were some of the Pts. not studied intensively?
              1. to back up the findings of the main 5
            3. Aim
              1. to gain some objective physiological data about sleep and dreaming using physiological measures and taking as scientific an approach as possible
              2. key terms
                1. EEG; electroencephalograph
                  1. EOG; electro-oculogram
                    1. EMG; electromyogram
                    2. REM sleep involves:
                      1. - hard to wake people up
                        1. the body is paralysed
                          1. to prevent people from moving and acting out their dreams
                        2. method/ design
                          1. laboratory experiment
                          2. procedure
                            1. - eat normally; no cafine/ alcohol
                              1. went to bed in a quiet, dark room
                                1. - electrodes attached to face + scalp
                                  1. - 2+ electrodes near Pts. eyes to record changes by eye movement
                                    1. - 2 or 3 electrodes attached to scalp to record brain activity
                                    2. controls
                                      1. - no communication between experimenter and sleeper until after they told their dream content
                                        1. - not told whether; REM or NREM sleep
                                          1. - no caffine/ alcohol
                                            1. woken by a door bell
                                            2. ethical problems
                                              1. deception
                                                1. - told awakened when he was dreaming but awakenings were random
                                              2. what can be conducted from the study?
                                                1. - is a relationship between REM and dreaming.
                                                  1. eye movement + dream content
                                                  2. sleep patterns show a cycle of 4 stages of sleep and REM/NREM
                                                  3. hypothesis/ design
                                                    1. 1. There will be a significant association between REM sleep + dreaming
                                                      1. 2. There will be a significant positive correlation between the estimate of the duration of dreams and the length of eye movement
                                                        1. 3. There will be a significant association between the pattern of eye movement and the context of the dream
                                                          1. INDEPENDENT GROUPS
                                                          2. results
                                                            1. 1
                                                              1. subjects were woken either in REM or NREM
                                                                1. 2 Pts were woken randomly
                                                                  1. 1 pts; woken 3 times in REM then 3 times in NREM
                                                                    1. 1pts told he was only woken in REM but woken randomly
                                                                      1. 1pts was woken whenever the experimenter wanted to
                                                                        1. recall dreams most = REM
                                                                      2. 2
                                                                        1. Pts woken randomly either 5 or 15mins into REM
                                                                          1. Pt. was asked o say whether they had been dreaming for 5 or 15 mins
                                                                            1. woken randomly at 1 of these 2 times (5or15)
                                                                            2. estimates = accurate
                                                                              1. found positive correlation
                                                                            3. 3
                                                                              1. vertical eye movement = standing at the bottom of a tall cliff
                                                                                1. horizontal EM = watching 2 people throwing tomatos at each other
                                                                                  1. both = bert + ernie = table tennis
                                                                                    1. Little/no = driving a car + staring = fast car from left
                                                                                      1. significant association = YES
                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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