Knowledge, values and reflection


Learning Guide7 mind map
Mind Map by ibiorban, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by ibiorban almost 10 years ago
Copied by ibiorban almost 10 years ago
Copied by ibiorban almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Knowledge, values and reflection
  1. Values
    1. own values
      1. Values are principles, beliefs and attitudes and can be shared by individuals, within organisations and institutions or even whole societies
        1. can impact directly on practice and practice relationships.
          1. the importance of recognising preconceptions (in ourselves, in others and within organisations and systems)
            1. issue of personal/professional boundaries and their link between values and relationships
              1. working traditional weekday hours
                1. balance between professionals' working and personal lives.
                  1. importance of practitioners developing dialogue and democratic relationships in conjunction with young people
                2. shared by organisations and institutions, or even whole societies.
                  1. Democracy
                    1. Everyday democracy
                      1. effective communication skills with parents and with children
                        1. empower young people into making their own choices related to training and education by providing information, guidance and advice
                          1. involves spaces such as families, communities and services.
                          2. Democratic spaces
                        2. Competing values-competing ideas and values concerning what should be prioritised and how services are organised
                          1. democracy and where responsibility lies for supporting the welfare and education of children and young people
                            1. how different types of education and welfare practice should be paid for
                              1. who should provide services and for what purposes
                              2. Conflict of values
                                1. own personal values confirm or challenge the ideas about democratic spaces and everyday democracy
                                2. the key values influencing the provision of social care services
                                  1. • independence • citizenship • empowerment • social inclusion • respect for diversity • care and protection for vulnerable people/children and young people and the community.
                                  2. Young people’s values
                                    1. Respect
                                      1. Privacy and confidentiality
                                        1. Love
                                          1. Empowerment
                                        2. reflected in the publication of a range of different ‘professional’ of practice, rules
                                          1. Reflection
                                            1. Analysis-desisting from making broad statements or generalisations
                                              1. Levels of reflection
                                                1. everyday thinking
                                                  1. incidental and limited reflection on our practical experience
                                                    1. systematic reflection with the aim of theoretical understandings and critical insights
                                                      1. reflection on reflection that examines how knowledge functions and how it can be applied to active understanding
                                                        1. • Co-construction: the processes of producing documents and reflecting upon documents through dialogue with other people and in different contexts
                                                      2. Practice codes, rules or principles
                                                        1. Standards for practice
                                                          1. Effective communication
                                                            1. Knowledge and understanding
                                                              1. Professional confidence and competence
                                                                1. Values and ethical practice.
                                                                2. Advantages:
                                                                  1. indicates to the service users what they can expect from a service
                                                                    1. illustrate the professional status of practitioners and their organisations
                                                                      1. provide a basis for consistent behaviour and decision making
                                                                        1. practitioners are held accountable for their actions
                                                                        2. Disadvantages
                                                                          1. can encourage practitioners to remain detached and objective when making decisions and can contribute to a bureaucratic atmosphere in which people don't take responsibility for their action or inaction.
                                                                            1. not always clear whether a hierarchy of importance exists
                                                                              1. they are less helpful in addressing wider socio-economic issues or developing practice relationships
                                                                                1. Principles and values may be applicable in different ways in different contexts,
                                                                                  1. values may conflict with each other
                                                                                    1. the need to find evaluation strategies that move beyond observing lists in practice settings or asking practitioners to recite key values
                                                                                  2. Practice relationships and values
                                                                                    1. building relationships between children and practitioners
                                                                                      1. other democratic values and principles intersect with empowerment
                                                                                        1. upholding rights, confidentiality, respect, dignity and privacy
                                                                                    2. Working with multiple knowledges
                                                                                      1. Hierarchy of knowledges
                                                                                        1. may be influenced by other factors, including our own views and values about who or what we consider to be important
                                                                                          1. knowledges are frequently socially stratified and hierarchically organised
                                                                                          2. Parenting knowledges
                                                                                            1. practitioner knowledges- a combination of knowledges
                                                                                              1. pedagogy of listening
                                                                                                1. encourages practitioners to make use of the value of respect.
                                                                                                2. apply analytical thinking as they value and work with multiple knowledges.
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