"Big Idea" Assessment


Portfolio for educators to share assessment, progress with parents
Shona Fletcher
Mind Map by Shona Fletcher, updated more than 1 year ago
Shona Fletcher
Created by Shona Fletcher over 8 years ago

Resource summary

"Big Idea" Assessment
  1. Authentic Assessment
    1. Proficiency in performing a task
      1. Real-life
        1. Construction/Application
          1. Student-structured
            1. Direct Evidence
              1. Multiple choice,fill in the blanks, & matching
              2. Tailored Assessment
                1. Modeled Portfolio
                  1. Needs of the student
                    1. Goals of area school
                  2. Comprehensive Assessment
                    1. Predetermined and Systematic Assessment
                      1. Artifacts
                        1. Educators work together
                          1. Purpose to form a clear portfolio
                            1. Aim to communicate to all involved parties
                          2. Informal Assessment
                            1. Authentic
                              1. Track ongoing progress of students throughout school year.
                                1. Standardized Test
                              2. Alternative
                                1. Teachers target student's specific problem areas.
                              3. Informative Assessment
                                1. Student's progress & achievements
                                  1. Instructional information provided by teacher
                                    1. Portfolio of progress for parent
                                    2. Ongoing Assessment
                                      1. Content learning
                                        1. Continuous feedback
                                          1. Planned assessment to Informal observation
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