features of waves


coastal environments/waves marine and sub-aerial processes
Mind Map by rabea.wuerth, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rabea.wuerth about 11 years ago

Resource summary

features of waves
  1. two different types of waves
    1. constructive waves
      1. features:
        1. greater swash
          1. small in height
            1. low flat waves spill over
            2. push material up the beach
              1. less energy
                1. occur on rather gentle beaches
                  1. wave crests are far apart
                    1. weak backwash
                      1. much percolation through sand
                        1. little transport of sand down the beach
                      2. low wave frequency
                    2. destructive waves
                      1. features:
                        1. stronger backwash
                          1. little percolation through sand
                            1. eroded material deposited offshore in longshore bars
                            2. weaker swash
                            3. larger in height
                              1. large steep wave plunges over
                              2. more energy
                                1. steep beach
                                  1. wave crests close together
                                    1. steep wave front
                                      1. more likely in storm conditions
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