Summary of key issues around 'Liberal Landslide'


British History (The 'Liberal Landslide' 1906) Mind Map on Summary of key issues around 'Liberal Landslide', created by ellen.harrison on 17/02/2014.
Mind Map by ellen.harrison, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ellen.harrison over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Summary of key issues around 'Liberal Landslide'
  1. Between 1902 and 1905, the Conservative leadership managed to alienate important sections of voting public and drive them from Unionist Party
    1. Helped revive and strengthen Liberals
    2. Liberals had more to offer the voters than they had in 1900
      1. Liberals campaign negative rather than positive
        1. No focus on social reforms
          1. Focused on failings of Conservative government
            1. Enjoyed wide appeal across political and social spectrum
          2. Would they maintain wide appeal without more positive campaign, especially with rise of Labour as new, radical party on the left
            1. In hindsight - This seems ambivalent ( mixed feelings)
              1. It was to usher in greatest period of Liberal Government in 20th Century
                1. Last time Liberals win an election outright
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