Nucleic Acids: entrega.uribe_4


This mind map has been created in order to summarize the main conceps related to this biomolecules. Author: Julio Uribe Padilla DNI: 46 47 80 95 V References: -All molecule images have been done using chem spider data base drawing service: -The DNA-RNA image was found in :
Mind Map by julio.urpad.upc, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by julio.urpad.upc over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Nucleic Acids: entrega.uribe_4
  1. Nomenclature
    1. According to the attached molecules
      1. Sugar+Nitrogenous base = Nucleoside (also known as aglicone)
        1. Nucleoside + phosphate = Nucleotide
          1. Nucleotide 1 + ... + Nucleotide n = Nucleic Acid
      2. According to the ammount of phosphate gropus
        1. monophosphate
          1. Diphosphate
            1. Triphosphate
          2. Main types
            1. ARN: Ribonucleic acid
              1. Bases
                1. A , G, U and C
                2. Sugar
                  1. Desoxyrribose
                  2. Functions
                    1. Genetic information intracell messenger: RNAm
                      1. Genetic information transport: RNAt
                    2. ADN: Desoxyribonucleic acid
                      1. Bases
                        1. A,T,G and C
                        2. Functions
                          1. Genetic information storage
                          2. Sugar
                            1. Ribose
                            2. Structure
                              1. Double helicoidal strand
                                1. Phosphoric acid (outside); nitrogenous bases (inside)
                            3. Composed by nucleotides
                              1. Structure
                                1. Are composed by
                                  1. 5 carbon sugar (β-D-ribofuranose)
                                    1. Desoxyrribose
                                      1. Ribose
                                      2. Nitrogenous base
                                        1. Pirimidines
                                          1. Cytosine (C)
                                            1. Uracil (U)
                                              1. Thymine (T)
                                              2. Purines
                                                1. Adenine (A)
                                                  1. Guanine (G)
                                                2. Phosphoric acid
                                                3. General aspects
                                                  1. Covalent N-glycosidic bond between C-1'(anomeric carbon of the sugar)
                                                    1. And
                                                      1. N-1 of the pirimidinic ring
                                                        1. N-9 of the purinic ring
                                                      2. 1 or more phosphate groups esterified to the hydroxyl group of the sugar or another -OH grups present in phosphoric acid
                                                        1. Linear arrangement
                                                          1. Cyclic arrangement
                                                      3. Physicochemical properties
                                                        1. Ionic
                                                          1. Acidic behaviour
                                                            1. many pKa's
                                                              1. Ionic dissotiation equilibrium
                                                              2. Can be feasibly crystalized
                                                              3. Complex formation
                                                                1. Phosphate groups have affinity towards divalent cations
                                                                  1. Are involved into phosphate transference enzymatic reactions
                                                                  2. UV light absrobance
                                                                    1. Allows to identify then by using spectrophotometric methods
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