

Mind Map on testing, created by natasha.martin on 03/31/2014.
Mind Map by natasha.martin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by natasha.martin almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Variable
    1. The name associated with a particular memory location used to store data. By using the variable name, the programmer can store, retrieve and manipulate data without knowing what the data will be.
    2. Identifier
      1. A name or label chosen by the programmer to represent an object within a program. The object could be a variable, a function, a procedure, a data type etc.
      2. Reserved
        1. word / Keyword – Any vocabulary of a programming language that can have only the meaning which is defined in the language. Variables or other identifiers can NOT use reserved or keywords.
        2. Variables
          1. A name used to refer to a particular memory location that is used to store data. The value of the data held in that memory location is not known when the program is written and can chance while the program is running.
          2. Constant
            1. A data item with a fixed value. In a high-level language, it is assigned to a variable that cannot be changed when the program is executed.
              1. A name used to refer to a fixed value. The value is set when the code is written and cannot chance while the program is running.
              2. Local variable
                1. One that is declared and used inside a module, subroutine, procedure or function and is only available in that module. It is created when the subroutine is called and destroyed when it exits.
                2. Global variable
                  1. One that is declared at the beginning of the code and is available throughout the code, including all its subroutines, procedures and functions.
                  2. Types of programming errors
                    1. Syntax Error
                      1. Error that occurs when a statement has been written in the program that breaks the rules of that programming language.
                      2. Logical Error
                        1. Error that occurs because there is a mistake in the algorithm that results in the program doing something other than what it was intended to do.
                        2. Run-time Error
                          1. Error which occurs due to an unexpected situation with the data being processed or another external factor. The program would otherwise work under normal operating conditions.
                        3. Black box testing
                          1. Black box testing is only concerned with the inputs and outputs of the program, and not how the program works. You are testing whether the inputs produce the output that would be expected.
                            1. Types of input data to consider testing for: Valid data: data which you would normally expect the user to input. Invalid data: data which should generate an error message if it was input. Borderline data: you need to be especially careful to test the data at the boundaries between different cases, to ensure they are dealt with correctly.
                            2. White box testing
                              1. White box testing techniques test the algorithm in the code to make sure that all parts of the algorithm function as intended.
                              2. Alpha and beta testing
                                1. Alpha testing is normally limited to being tested by the internal employees and friends / family of the company. It is a very early version of the software and is normal full of bugs.
                                  1. Beta testing tends to be opened up to the wider world normally though beta sign up programs. The program is almost in it’s finished state now and the developers normally want to test areas such as load balancing at this point.
                                  2. Acceptance testing
                                    1. The purpose of acceptance testing is to demonstrate to the end user that the software works correctly and all desired features have been implemented.
                                    2. Other common causes of run-time errors are
                                      1. Overflow error
                                        1. when the program attempts to use a variable to store a value that is to large for it.
                                        2. Stack overflow error
                                          1. when the program runs out of stack space to store operations of the program.
                                            1. This can happen especially when the program is executing a recursive algorithm.
                                          2. Library error
                                            1. the program refers to an external library that does not exist.
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