Parenting, the Neo-Conventional Family and the Rapoports


A Levels Sociology (Family) Mind Map on Parenting, the Neo-Conventional Family and the Rapoports, created by Robeban on 04/24/2014.
Mind Map by Robeban, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Robeban almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Parenting, the Neo-Conventional Family and the Rapoports
  1. Lone Parent Families - now account for 1/4 of all families (90% female-headed).
    1. New Right blame generous welfare benefits for encouraging the increase and creating a 'dependency culture'.
      1. These are usually poor, because lack of affordable childcare prevents mothers working and because fathers don't pay maintenance.
    2. Reconstituted or step-families are increasing due to divorce and re-marriage. Account for around 8% of families.
      1. Chester (1985) - increased diversity, but nuclear family still dominant.
        1. Main change is that both partners work (like symmetrical family).
          1. People still aspire to nuclear family as a model.
          2. Rapoport and Rapoport
            1. Diversity is CENTRAL to the family.
              1. 5. Organisational - joint or segregated conjugal roles.
                1. 2. Cultural - ethnic groups have different family structures.
                  1. 1. Class Differences - e.g. differences in child-rearing practices.
                    1. 4. Life Cycle Differences - e.g. pensioner couples, parents with young children.
                      1. 3. Generational Differences - e.g. attitudes to cohabitation.
                      2. Ethnic Differences
                        1. More black lone parents (49% of families) than white (23% of families). Result of high male unemployment, or black women valuing independence more highly.
                          1. Large Asian households, due to the cultural importance of the extended family and need for support when migrating.
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