Why Government took control of economy during WWI


A Levels British History Mind Map on Why Government took control of economy during WWI, created by elise-v on 01/05/2014.
Mind Map by elise-v, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elise-v over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Why Government took control of economy during WWI
  1. DORA powers were taken for the effective nationalisation and government control of vital industries to increase production and direct transport for military needs, and control agriculture to increase food production.
    1. Workforce
      1. Working practises had to be controlled and directed towards war effort, so dilution and employment of women in diverse roles was crucial.
        1. Restrictions on drinking through reduction of licensing hours and increased taxation were largely introduced to promote productivity by stopping drunkenness of workers, especially in munitions.
        2. Total War
          1. Due to total war, for example, direction of minister of munitions DLG to increase supplies of weapon and shells.
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