Case Studies For Sustainable Management


Geography Mind Map on Case Studies For Sustainable Management, created by HLarge on 05/03/2014.
Mind Map by HLarge, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by HLarge almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Case Studies For Sustainable Management
  1. Nokia
    1. Substance Management
      1. Aim to reduce amount of environmentally dangerous substances in the production of Nokia Products
        1. They now use more sustainable materials: using bio-plastics/recycled plastic.
      2. Energy Efficiency
        1. Try to use as little energy as possible in production.
          1. Nokia products use as little energy as possible.
            1. Nokia have set energy targets with manufacturers and supplies.
            2. Take Back and Recycle
              1. Nokia have implemented successful 'end-of-life' practises
                1. With all useful materials being put back into circulation
                2. Nokia recycle lots of materials from electronic waste, old mobile phones, production scrap and old IT equipment.
                3. "Recycle Your Mobile Campaign"
                  1. Problem: 50% of mobile users replace their phone each year - with 44% of mobiles being left in drawers and never used again.
                    1. Solution
                      1. Encourage old phones to be handed in at designated areas.
                        1. 65-80% of materials in Nokia's mobiles can be recycled.
                          1. Materials can be recycled and used to make a range of other goods including park benches and jewellery.
                            1. Campaign has been promoted through internet advertising.
                        2. Marks and Spencer's - Plan A
                          1. Climate Change
                            1. All aspects of business have a carbon footprint - M&S aim to reduce emissions and be carbon neutral by 2012.
                              1. So far: eco-stores esablisted and use 23% less energy and 90% less carbon dioxide. Teardop 'eco-lorries' emit 20% less carbon dioxide. Online campaigns encourage more ssustainable living.
                            2. Waste
                              1. Aim to significantly reduce the amount of packaging and carrier bags
                                1. Reduced packaging - most now fully recyclable or compostable. A charge for carrier bags (profits go to charity) to encourage consumers to use bags for life. 122 million hangers recycled last year. M&S and Oxfam clothes exchange - encourage unwanted clothes to be take to Oxfam for small refund.
                              2. Sustainable Raw Materials
                                1. Set out to improve standard in animal welfare and clothing from organic cotton.
                                  1. Doubled the number of organic products on sale. First major retailer to sell organic linen. 2007 won sustainable fish award. Sell garments from recycled bottles.
                                2. Fair Partner
                                  1. As a retailer M&S influence ¼ million workers world wide and they aim to set out standards for ethical trading and improve living standards for suppliers.
                                    1. Fair-trade sugar in jams. Sell many garments made from fair-trade cotton. Support communities of suppliers - e.g. 15 000 children in Uganda given better education
                                  2. Health
                                    1. Set out to reduce saturated fat/sugar/salt in food and improve labelling.
                                      1. 1 300 food products have the sunflower eat well logo. Health eating assistants in stores. Front of pack labelling - making it clearer what is being eaten.
                                  3. Traffic Management
                                    1. London Congestion Charge
                                      1. If drivers use a particular area of central London, they will be charged £10 on the day and £12 the following day. The scheme opened in 2003.
                                        1. Before charges 335 000 cars used the city centre per day, this has dropped by 21% in 2006.
                                          1. Pollutants affecting air quality have fallen by 12%.
                                            1. Policy has been controversial and some motoring organisations say it has made other matters worse.
                                            2. Cambridge
                                              1. Causes of traffic problems in Cambridge
                                                1. Increased care ownership over the last 50 years.
                                                  1. Commuter traffic increasingly a problem.
                                                    1. More people on the roads due to decline in rail services over last 40 years.
                                                      1. Old narrow streets
                                                      2. Traffic Problems in Camrbidge
                                                        1. Congestion in rush hours
                                                          1. Slow traffic
                                                            1. High volumes of traffic
                                                              1. Shortage of parking
                                                                1. Emergency troubles
                                                                  1. Lost work hours
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