
Mind Map on SCRUM, created by Jamie_472 on 05/15/2014.
Mind Map by Jamie_472, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Jamie_472 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Agile Methodology
    1. Sprint Cycle
      1. Product Backlog
        1. Prioritised list of features required by the customer
          1. Features are known as user stories
            1. Wishlist
            2. Sprint Backlog
              1. Features to be done this sprint
                1. Features are expanded into smaller tasks
                2. Sprints are normally about one month long
                  1. Daily Scrum: 15 minute meeting held every day. SCRUM Master asks:
                    1. What have you accomplished since the last meeting?
                      1. Are there any obstacles in the way of meeting your goal?
                        1. What will you accomplish before the next meeting?
                        2. New functionality is demonstrated at the end of each sprint
                          1. Sprint Retrospective Meeting
                            1. Takes place at the end of each sprint
                              1. Team reflects on what went right and areas of improvement
                            2. Team
                              1. Product Owner
                                1. Makes sure the right features make it into the product backlog
                                  1. Helps set the direction of the product
                                  2. Scrum Master/Project Manager
                                    1. Makes sure the project is progressing smoothly
                                      1. Makes sure everyone has the tools they need to allow them to get the job done
                                        1. Sets up meetings, monitors the work being done, and plans releases
                                          1. Developers
                                            1. Testers
                                          2. Release Planning
                                            1. Team decides which user stories are going to be put into release
                                              1. Release Backlog
                                                1. User stories included in a particular release
                                                  1. Team prioritises user stories and estimates how long each will take
                                                    1. Sprints used to get work done
                                                      1. 1 - 30 days
                                                        1. 2 - 12 sprints per release
                                                          1. Product in ship-ready state at the end of each sprint
                                                      2. Estimates
                                                        1. Hours, days, months
                                                        2. Burndown Chart
                                                          1. Day be day measure of remaining work in a given sprint or release
                                                            1. Burndown Velocity/Rate of Productivity
                                                              1. Work remaining decreases with every day
                                                              2. Estimated completion date can be calculated based on velocity
                                                                1. Work Remaining / Rate = Days to Completion
                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                              Introduction notes on SCRUM Project management framework.
                                                              Wesley Thomson
                                                              R A
                                                              Scrum Events - Sprint Planning
                                                              Product owner expectations
                                                              Aleksandar Aleks
                                                              Implementar Scrum con éxito
                                                              Sebastián Pineda
                                                              Cuestionario Scrum Master
                                                              Camila Gurrea
                                                              Typical scrum timeline
                                                              Matthew Swart
                                                              Scrum roles
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                                                              Luigi Pelosi
                                                              Matthew Swart