Oxidative Phosphorylation


Mind Map on Oxidative Phosphorylation, created by devans1 on 06/05/2014.
Mind Map by devans1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by devans1 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Oxidative Phosphorylation
  1. complex 1
    1. largest
      1. NADH --> NAD+H+2e-
        1. 2e- + 2H+ + ubiquinon (Q) --> ubiquinol (QH2)
          1. hydrophobic molecule - not a protein
          2. electrons pass through iron-sulpher proteins
            1. allows H+ to be pumped across
          3. complex 2
            1. succinate + Q --> fumerate + QH2
            2. complex 3
              1. step 1
                1. QH2 oxidised release 2e-
                  1. cytochrome accept 1 e-
                    1. 2H+ pumped across
                      1. remaining e- rebinds to Q forming Q-
                2. step 2
                  1. Second QH2
                    1. extra e- binds to Q- with 2H+
                      1. reforming QH2
                        1. shuttling
                3. complex 4
                  1. cytochrome C loses 4e-
                    1. pump 4H+
                      1. reduce O2 to H2O
                    2. ATP synthase
                      1. H+ ions move down electrochemical gradient through complex
                        1. Y unit (central axis)
                          1. rotates
                            1. B subunit cycles between states
                              1. open/empty - ADP and Pi bind- lose
                                1. tight - bind to produce ATP
                                  1. cycles back to release 34 ATP
                        2. end products ATP
                          1. inhibit
                            1. at rest
                              1. increase proton motive force and low flow of protons/e- transfer
                          2. start products ADP
                            1. activate
                              1. during exercise
                                1. increase proton movement, decrease in proton motive force
                            2. inhibition
                              1. inhibit electron chain in complex 4
                                1. bind to O2
                                  1. carbon monoxide, cyanide
                                2. inhibit ATP synthase
                                  1. block h+ flow
                                    1. uncoupling agents
                                      1. prevent proton gradient
                                        1. generate heat
                                          1. protons flow but don't produce ATP
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