
Sociology Social Inequality Note on EVIDENCE , created by joirdan.ash on 15/06/2014.
Note by joirdan.ash, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joirdan.ash over 10 years ago

Resource summary

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Gender and Education: Sue Sharpe said that girls were increasingly wary of marriage. They had seen adult relationships break up all around them. They had also seen women coping alone in what once was a "man's world". Girls were now more concerned with standing on their own two feet, rather than depending upon a man. Girls in 1976: Love.Marriage.Husbands.Children.Girls in 1994:More confident and assertive. More ambitious. More committed to gender equality.SO....In 1994, they were more likely to see education as a way to achieve FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. 

GENDER AND EDUCATIONPatterns of Attainment:Statistics for Department for Education and Skills reveals a marked gender gap in attainment at every key stage.2006: 53% of BOYS achieved 5A* - C's at GCSE. 63% OF GIRLS achieved 5A* - C's at GCSE.

Oakley 1974 - Gender and the Divide of Labour.She interviewed 40 women with one or more children under 5. Wives saw housework and childcare as their responsibility and didn't receive much help from their husbands. Her research shows that: Women still become mothers and housewives.  Women return to work part time when children are at school.  Women underestimated time spent on domestic labour.  Men increased their contribution to domestic labour when women re-entered employment. 

GENDER AND FAMILYEdgell - 1980 DECISION MAKING.Interviewed 38 middle-class couples. He asked them who made the decisions and how important those decisions were. Women:  Interior decoration. Children's clothes. Spending money on food and household items.  Men:  Financial decisions. Moving house. Cars. Both:Children's education. 

Patterns of Offending According to Glueck et al:In the first half of the 20th Century, a large proportion of the prison population were poor, uneducated and unemployed. Most self report studies show a link between social class and criminal behaviour. E.g. burglary, robbery and car theft were linked to the long term unemployed and those dependent on benefits. 

gender and education

gender and education


gender and family

Social class and crime

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