Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


Kate Howard
Note by Kate Howard, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Kate Howard
Created by Kate Howard over 9 years ago
Kate Howard
Copied by Kate Howard over 9 years ago
Kate Howard
Copied by Kate Howard over 9 years ago
Kate Howard
Copied by Kate Howard over 9 years ago
Kate Howard
Copied by Kate Howard over 9 years ago

Resource summary

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Therapy:REBT:Rational emotive behaviour therapy is the process of disputing irrational thoughts by:Logical disputing - showing that the belief does not rationally link the the active event e.g. Just because a dog is large does not mean it will attack you.Empirical disputing - showing that there is no evidence to back-up an irrational thought. This is done by using counter examples e.g. The dog will not attack you because it never has, in fact it may want petting which is positive.

Evaluation:Effective:Engals collected meta-analysis concluding that is effective for anxiety disorders and OCD. This means the therapy works as a method to treat mental illness.Multiple Uses:CBT and REBT can be used for both mentally ill people and mentally healthy people for issues such as stress. This means that the therapy can be used for a range of problems for both mentally ill people and mentally healthy people.Can Not Change The SourceThe therapy can not stop the source of the problem such as a bully. This means that problems may continue despite the therapist and patients efforts.

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