History of Pop Music Videos


music video history
Jody Cook
Slide Set by Jody Cook, updated more than 1 year ago
Jody Cook
Created by Jody Cook about 7 years ago

Resource summary

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    What is Pop Music?
    Pop music is the genre of popular music that produces the most hits. A hit is a song that sells many copies, and the latest hits are listed every week on the charts. To get on the charts, a song must be released as a single, although most singles are also released on an album. Songs that become hits almost always share certain features that are sometimes called the pop-music formula. They have a good rhythm, a catchy melody, and are easy to remember and sing along to. They usually have a chorus that's repeated several times and two or more verses. Most pop songs are between two and five minutes long, and the lyrics are usually about the joys and problems of love and relationships. Pop songs are produced by groups like the boy band One Direction and the girl group Girls' Generation, and by pop singers like Justin Bieber and Madonna.

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    Cyndi Lauper released 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun' in 1983 and this example of an early Pop Music Video shows how upbeat Pop Music really is. There is a clear narrative and corospondance from the lyrics of the song to the narrative which is being played by the artist as the main character. The narrative of the music video is happening in real time as the lyrics are being sung and this gives a clear emphasis of the genre of the music video and also the type of feeling the artist is trying to give off. This is very typical of a Pop Music genre music video as well as the bright colours which are portrayed across in this music video. The bright pinks and pastel colours not only are stereotypical feminine colours which the song is about, but also portray the Pop Music genre even more so than if the colours were more dull. The last point to make on this music video is fact that the graphics are not very clear and will not be as clear as the music videos that are more up to date and recent. This is due to the fact of how long ago this music video was filmed and that back in the 80's, the technology and graphics for different medias was not as advanced as it is today.
    Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper

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    The next music video is by Britney Spears. In 1998, she released a song called 'Hit Me Baby'. Here, the graphics seem to look better than the previous music video, however, they are obviously not as good as what is known in the modern day. The song is very upbeat which is typical of a Pop Music video. Even though there is not a clear narrative, unlike 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun', Britney has used choreography whereby she is the main dancer which is also very typical to Pop Genre music videos. Throughout the music video, Britney looks very feminine and decides to wear colours that are bright and colourful such as pinks that really catch the audiences eye and give them the idea that the music video is of the Pop genre, if the upbeat song does not emphasise that enough already. Even though there is not a clear narrative, some of the dance moves do go with the lyrics which links the music video to the song. 
    Hit Me Baby - Britney Spears

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    Love On Top - Beyonce
    This music video was released by Beyonce in 2011. Love On Top is an extremely upbeats song and music video which incorporates choreography into a song which both go very well together. In this music video Beyonce is seen dancing and singing at the same time and the dance moves in which are shown throughout this music video bring a positive vibe to the whole song. The lyrics she is singing about go perfectly with the way she is dancing as she is portrayed to be very happy and that is the type of feel you get from just hearing the song. The room in which this music video is being filmed in is a very light and airy room and this gives more of an emphasis on the Pop genre as if there was low key lighting this would not conform with conventions. Near to the end of the video when Beyonce sings more passionately, the lighting is very low key, however there are large moving lights that dart across the room allowing high key lighting to remain and therefore allowing the music video to conform to conventions. 

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    Hair - Little Mix
    This music video was released in 2015 and is also very typical of a Pop music video. The recent date release shows clear quality graphics compared to the first music video. The narrative of the music video completely goes with the lyrics as in some parts of the song it is almost like the girls are talking to each other whilst singing. They also incorporated some choreography into the music video, however even though this was rehearsed, it clearly was more of a joke than serious dancing. At the start of the music video there is a split screen of the four girls on the phone which is caused by the use of CGI and this would not have been available back in the 1980's or 1990's. This is a clear example of how moving image has changed throughout time. There are bright colours conveyed throughout and also the upbeat energy and vibes from the music video and the song portray a very Pop feel to the music video in general. 
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