Enzymes SAC Flashcards


Integral terms and key concepts concerning Enzymes
Minoshka Bocarro
Flashcards by Minoshka Bocarro, updated more than 1 year ago
Minoshka Bocarro
Created by Minoshka Bocarro about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Enzymes Biological catalysts that Increase the rate of a reaction while decreasing the activation energy required
Induced Fit Mechanism where an enzyme binds with a substrate, not exactly complementary and changes its shape to produce an exact fit
Extracellular Enzymes Enzymes that work outside of the cell that affect digestive reactions
Activation Energy The energy required to start a chemical reaction. Reduced by enzymes
Enzyme Substrate Complex Formed when the substrate binds to the enzyme with weak chemical bonds
Metabolic Reactions Reactions that are controlled by enzymes and take place within cells
Inactivated The state of the enzyme when it is below its optimal temperature / below and above its optimal pH
Denature When the tertiary structure of an enzyme (protein) changes therefore changing its biochemcial properties
Lock and Key Mechanism used to explain the binding of enzymes where the substrate is simply drawn into the matching cleft and fits perfectly
Ribosomes Sites of protein, therefore enzyme, synthesis
Cofactors Inorganic chemical substances that help the enzyme increase the rate of reaction. Reusable
Coenzymes Organic molecules that help the enzyme catalyse reactions. Used up in a reaction and need to be constantly replaced before another reaction can take place
Intracellular Enzymes used inside the cell. Usually used in metabolism
Catalysts Substances that increase the rate of reaction without being used in the process
Saturation the point at which all the active sites of the enzymes are occupied as there is a surplus or high concentration of substrate
Vitamins Co-enzymes as they are organic
Catabolic reactions that release energy after breaking bonds in polymers or large molecules into smaller parts, sub units or monomers
Limiting Factor Check: To Do
Feedback Inhibition When the last product of a metabolic pathway (sequence) that becomes an inhibitor and it binds to the first enzyme of the metabolic pathway and it temporarily stops the metabolic pathway until all the final products have been used up
Catalytic Cycle A reaction that involves a catalyst
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