Present Perfect Simple 1


Use the verbs given in parentheses in the Present Perfect Simple, affirmative (aff), negative (neg), or interrogative (?)
Anda Petria
Flashcards by Anda Petria, updated more than 1 year ago
Anda Petria
Created by Anda Petria about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
I ... this movie twice so far and I still want to see it again. (see, aff) I have seen this movie twice so far.
You ... there, so you don't know what it's like. (be, neg) You haven't been there, so you don't know what it's like.
(he, ever, write) a poem? Has he ever written a poem?
We ... in Montreal for 5 years. (live, aff) We have lived in Montreal for 5 years.
They ... by plane. (never, travel) They have never travelled by plane.
How long (you, have) this bike? How long have you had this bike?
How many tests (she, take) so far in 5e? How many tests has she taken so far in 5e?
I ... a car. I'm too young. (never, drive) I have never driven a car.
My friend ... at Stanislas since 10e. (study, aff) My friend has studied at Stanislas since 10e.
(you, ever, eat) seafood? Have you ever eaten seafood?
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