Rate of Heat Transfer


Adam Collinge
Flashcards by Adam Collinge, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam Collinge
Created by Adam Collinge about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Heat energy is... ... radiated from the surface of an object
The bigger the surface area... ... the more infrared waves can be absorbed or emitted from the surface (a quicker transfer of heat)
Objects made from good conductors... ... transfer heat more quickly than insulating materials
Why would a flask be double walled with a vacuum? It stops all conduction and convection through the sides
Why would the walls on the inside of the vacuum be sliver? to keep heat loss by radiation to a minimum
Why would the flask be supported by insulating foam? To minimize the heat conduction to or from the outer glass bottle
Why would the stopper be made out of plastic? To reduce any heat conduction through it
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