Pathogens and Lifestyle


A Level Biology AQA 3.1.1
Rachel Lamond
Mind Map by Rachel Lamond, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Lamond
Created by Rachel Lamond almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Pathogens and Lifestyle
  1. Pathogens
    1. 1. Trasmitted
      1. 2. Gain Entry
        1. Cuts
          1. Digestive System
          2. 3. Evade Defences
            1. Stomach Acid, Lyoszyme enzymes and the Immune System
            2. 4. Harm the Host
              1. a) Reproducing inside the cell
                1. b) Burtsing
                  1. c) Producing Toxins
                2. Diseases
                  1. Infectious
                    1. Pathogenic organisms
                      1. Cold
                      2. Dietary Deficiency
                        1. Lack of specific nutrients
                          1. Scurvy (Vit C)
                          2. Environmental
                            1. Non-living factor
                              1. Radiation = Skin Cancer
                              2. Social
                                1. Human activities and Lifestyle
                                  1. Alcoholism
                                  2. Ageing
                                    1. Degeneration of Body Tissue
                                      1. Arthritis
                                      2. Genetic
                                        1. Genes inherited from parents
                                          1. CF
                                        2. Lifestyle
                                          1. Diet, Exercise, Work Environment, Drinking, Smoking
                                            1. Risk = Probability of Event x Impact of Event
                                              1. Relative Risk = Something that is compared to something else
                                                1. Lung cancer has the main risks of smoking and a clean environment
                                              2. Identifying Risk Factors
                                                1. 1. Correlation
                                                  1. 2. Correlation does not mean causation
                                                    1. Casual Relationships
                                                      1. Need to be a controlled lab experiment
                                                        1. You have to provide evidence for a casual relationship and you can say that the factor affects the disease, so its a risk factor
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