The Eye - Rods & Cones


GCSE Biology (The Eye) Mind Map on The Eye - Rods & Cones, created by 9arush on 11/08/2013.
Mind Map by 9arush, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 9arush over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Eye - Rods & Cones
  1. Rods
    1. Sensitive to dim light
      1. Sends signals to the bright when you are looking at things at night
        1. If rod cells do not function properly you have night blindness
          1. Night blindness can occur if you are short of vitamin A
            1. Spread out in the retina
            2. Cones
              1. Cones are packed together
                1. In a small part of the retina called the yellow spot
                2. However they can sense colours of light
                  1. Means we see coloured images
                  2. They cannot sense low light levels at night
                    1. Only sensitive to bright light
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