

Book project
Tannen Rink
Mind Map by Tannen Rink, updated more than 1 year ago
Tannen Rink
Created by Tannen Rink almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Characters
    1. Miles
      1. Strong hearted
        1. Smart
        2. Zach
          1. Fast
            1. Atheletic
            2. Coach Stahl
              1. Mean
                1. Unfair
              2. Setting
                1. Time
                  1. Present day
                  2. Place
                    1. Confluence: State unknown
                  3. Theme
                    1. Even if is seems wrong always do what you know is right.
                      1. How brought up in the book: Zach takes steroids to help him play better and Miles is really tempted to take them also to get better.
                      2. Main conflict
                        1. Conflict/Problem Miles's dad is very mad and always hard on on Miles and always yells at him.
                          1. Cause: Miles had an older brother who died before Miles was born and Miles's father thinks its his fault so he is always mad.
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