Sociology Chapter 9 Pages 314-317


Mind Map by lmagoon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lmagoon over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Sociology Chapter 9 Pages 314-317
  1. Since the number of people over 65 increased from around 24 million to around 38 million, the number of people living alone increased to over 11 million.
    1. The majority of those living alone are elderly women.
      1. People 65-74 Years = 2% in nursing homes. People 75-84 Years = 6% in nursing homes. People 85+ Years = 23% in nursing homes.
        1. Federal budget cuts, continuting war in Iraq, and effects of the Gulf Coast storms are likely to drastically reduce the ability of governments at all levels to provide houseing subsidies for the elderly or low-income populations.
    2. Housing
      1. The Affordable Care Act has important provisions to help the elderly with medical needs.
        1. This bill will close the "doughnut hole" which many elderly folks get trapped in.
          1. It will make nursing home care more affordable (less expensive).
            1. It will allow the disabled to receive more help.
              1. It will give Medicaid more funds to disperse.
                1. Nursing homes will now have to offer up information that was once private, about their establishment and staff.
        2. Healthcare Reform for the Elderly
          1. Social Security was supposed to be a form of insurance, as in a sort of helper, however now it is the main source of income for many elderly people.
            1. The greatest flaw in the social security system is that the benefits are too small for the purposes they have come to serve.
              1. The poorest workers pay a higher percentage of their income to social security taxes, but since the benefits are dispersed based on total taxes paid, the poorest workers are still the poorest people after retirement. (DIAGRAM)
                1. Social Security discriminates against women. They are only entitled to half of the benefits that a man would receive.
                  1. The most pressing and unanswered social policy question is how the working class will pay for the social security of the baby boomers as they begin to retire.
            2. Retirement and Social Security
              1. As the life expectancy increases, so does the retirement age, so larger numbers of the working class will remain in the work force longer.
                1. The decline of the employer-based retirement plans is a major reason why the elderly are remaining in the work force for so long.
                2. Future Prospects
                  1. Do we have a right to die?
                    1. Jack Kevorkian, the so called "Michigan Suicide Doctor", has assisted many elderly patients in suicide.
                      1. In 1997, the Supreme Court ruled that the "right to die" is not a constitutional right.
                        1. In 1998, Dr. Kevorkian administered a lethal injection to Thomas Youk, who was suffering from a painful terminal illness. For helping in the suicide, Kevorkian was sentenced to 10-25 years in prison for second degree murder.
                          1. He was released in 2007, only having spent 9 years in the prison.
                    2. Current Controversies
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