environmental and medical issue


(r.s) Mind Map on environmental and medical issue, created by bettbwilliams97 on 04/18/2014.
Mind Map by bettbwilliams97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bettbwilliams97 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

environmental and medical issue
  1. enviromental
    1. christian
      1. stewardship
        1. god gave humans stewardship over the world- they must look after it for future generations
        2. responsibility
          1. humans have a god- given responsibility to care for the world and environment for future generation
          2. attitudes to the environment
            1. take care of the environment because it is a gift from god
              1. share equally resources of the world more equally because jesus taught christians to love and help each other
            2. muslim
              1. teaching
                1. allah put humans in charge of his creation so muslims should respect this gift
                  1. all muslim are part of the ummah and should look after the world for future generations, making sure natural resources are shared equally
                  2. attitudes
                    1. not overusing the earth resources
                      1. planting trees and crops and using them for the good of others
                  3. medical
                    1. fertility
                      1. christian
                        1. for
                          1. it allows infertile couples to experience the joy of having children, as god intended
                            1. fertility treatment is also a way of loving your neighbour and follows the golden rule of treating others as you would want to be treated
                          2. against
                            1. no one has'a right' to have children if this is not god's will.
                              1. god has a plan for everyone and this should be receipted. he intended children to be created naturally through sex between a married couple
                          3. muslim
                            1. all muslim believe that surrogacy is wrong
                              1. it is seen as adultery it is believed the women who givens birth is the mother of the child
                              2. in-vitro fertilisation and artificial insemination by the husband are permitted
                                1. god has given humans the knowledge and ability to create humans is the way
                            2. transplant surgery
                              1. christian
                                1. agree
                                  1. organ donation is a loving and charitable act that follows the teaching jesus to love one another
                                    1. some believe organ donation is a matter of personal conscience
                                    2. disagree
                                      1. it goes against the sanctity of life teaching because people should not 'play gpd'
                                        1. it interferes with god's plan to very human being
                                      2. muslim
                                        1. against
                                          1. the qur'an teaches that the body should be buried soon after death and should not be interfered with.
                                            1. it goes against the sanctity of life because only god should take and give a life
                                            2. for
                                              1. many muslim would allow living donor transplants to close family members
                                                1. some muslim argue that organ donation is okay if done to save the life of others because this is what allah would wish
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