Religion and science


Mind Map on Religion and science , created by westc061 on 04/29/2014.
Mind Map by westc061, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by westc061 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Religion and science
  1. purpose of creation
    1. Richard Dawkins claimed that our bodies have a selfish gene
      1. Big bang and evolution
        1. The world was created by God for Humans
          1. Humans are the pinnacle of creation
            1. Last and most good thing created
            2. big bang
              1. Was created by Hubble
                1. calculated the speed they were moving and moved backwards and then the BiG bang
                  1. Universe is expanding outwards
                    1. Becomes redder the further they travel away from the Earth
                      1. A subatomic dense singularity inflated 13.7 billion years ago
                      2. Intelligent design
                        1. There must be an intelligent designer to work in nature. i.e. God
                          1. This is because the universe is very complex
                          2. goldilocks
                            1. all the other worlds are too close to the sun , so to hot etc
                              1. this is why we are unable to breath on any other world
                                1. Our current world is the best world as it is just right
                                  1. Meaning that it has to be just right for us to live in, so we can breath etc
                                  2. Gap
                                    1. There is an argument that there is a Gap of time
                                      1. Within this Gap the world was created within this gap
                                        1. It states that God created things in this period of times. Rules out Big Bang and the Theory of Evolution
                                        2. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
                                          1. Gap, Billions of years which is where fossils came from dinosaurs
                                        3. Darwinism
                                          1. Nature was "red in tooth and claw"
                                            1. Life forms developed over millions of years ago
                                              1. Natural selection: the creatures that adapt the best to their environment to survive
                                              2. Young Earth
                                                1. in the 17th Century James Ussher used a reading from the bible to calculate when the Earth was created
                                                  1. A view of a Yung Earth 6000 years old and sees the big bang theory as wrong
                                                  2. Polkinghourne
                                                    1. Do not take Genesis seriously
                                                      1. should ne seen as poetry not prose
                                                        1. shouldn't be taken as literal historical or scientific text
                                                          1. religious truth could be found
                                                          2. Old Earth
                                                            1. Hugh Millers , Interprets Genesis as period of time not actual days
                                                              1. God could not create the complexity of life in one days
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