Sociology - Research methods


Sociology Mind Map on Sociology - Research methods, created by learning on 04/29/2014.
Mind Map by learning , updated more than 1 year ago
Created by learning almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Sociology - Research methods
  1. Quantitative
    1. Number form
      1. positivists
        1. Statistics
          1. Cause of effect
          2. Qualitative
            1. Word form
              1. Understanding human behaviour
              2. Interpretivism
                1. participan observation
                2. primary data
                  1. collected by self
                    1. Questionnaires
                    2. Secondary data
                      1. Collected by other people
                        1. Documents
                    3. Practical issues
                      1. Ttime and money
                        1. Research opportunity
                          1. Subject matter
                            1. Personal skills and characteristics
                            2. Ethical issues
                              1. Informed consent
                                1. Confidentiality
                                  1. Vulnerable groups
                                    1. Covert Research
                                    2. Sampling
                                      1. Systematic
                                        1. Quota
                                          1. Snowball
                                            1. Random
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