Social Influence-AS


needs to be finished
Jessica Mitchell
Mind Map by Jessica Mitchell, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Mitchell
Created by Jessica Mitchell about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Social Influence-AS
  1. Types of conformity-Kelman
    1. Compliance- where you have opposite public and private views
      1. Identification- where you value a part of the group so you go along with the behaviour of the group. However, you may still have some separate private views to the group
        1. Internalisation- your public and private views are the same and you agree whole-heartedly with the group
        2. Explanations for conformity- Dutch and Gerrard
          1. Informative social influence is where we go with the group as we believe they have the right information.
            1. Evidence: Lucas et al and math problems, Jenesse and beams study (1932), Perrin and spencer disagree
            2. Normative social influence is where we go along with the group as we want social acceptance.
              1. Evidence- Crutchfield and Asch
                1. Evaluation of explanations- nAffiliators (McGhee and Tavern), two-process approach so hard to know which explanation is at work, cultural bias, NSI has practical application in explaining bullying and teens smoking
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