Natural Selection & Evolution


Biology Mind Map on Natural Selection & Evolution, created by graydon.riley on 06/03/2014.
Mind Map by graydon.riley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by graydon.riley over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Natural Selection & Evolution
  1. Explain the importance of variation
    1. Better adapted organisms survive to produce a greater number of adapted offspring
    2. Demonstrate the process of natural selection
      1. In all species more offspring is produced than actually survive, some individuals are stronger and theya re more likely to survive and breed. This is called natural selection
      2. Outline the key steps in the process of natural selection
        1. 1. Individuals within a population show variation: due to: sexual reproduction, random assortment, crossing over
          1. 2. Overproduction: populations produce to many young
            1. 3. Selection pressures: certain conditions within enviroment affect chances for survival e.g. predators
              1. 4. Struggle for survival: organisms must compete to survive due to overproduction and selection pressure
                1. 5. Survival of the fittest: organisms with best adaptations will survive
                  1. 6. Inheritance of favourable traits: best adapted organisms pass there favourable traits onto offspring.
                  2. Explain Darwin and Wallace's contribution to the theory of evolution by natural selection
                    1. In the mid 1800's, two scientists Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace were working on similar theories to explain how the earth come to be populated by such a broad variety of organisms. Though Charles Darwin got the credit for his discovery first.
                    2. Outline the theory of evolution by natural selection
                      1. 'Its the gradual change in organisms over a long period of time'. This theory is based upon the collection of evidence noted by Charles Darwin.
                      2. Two forms of evidence for evolution and provide examples
                        1. 1. Fossil evidence of ancient organism remains - e.g dinosaurs, are not alive today
                          1. 2. Similarities among living organisms - e.g has evolved over time, similar but different e.g. humorous bone found in bird, whale.
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