Skill related fitness components - created from Mind Map


Note on Skill related fitness components - created from Mind Map, created by leacpdk on 04/04/2014.
Note by leacpdk, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by leacpdk about 10 years ago
Copied to Note by leacpdk about 10 years ago

Resource summary

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Balance - the ability to keep the body stable whether still, moving or in a different shape by keeping the centre of gravity over the base. cheerleading - formations netball - footwork gymnastics - the beam

Agility - the ability to change direction quickly and maintain control of your whole body. netball - dodging hockey - dribbling Rugby tackling - side stepping

Co-ordination - the ability to use two or more parts of your body at the same time. hockey/football - keeping control of the ball and being aware of your surroundings swimming - strokes and tumble turns most ball sports - catching the ball, Eg; cricket/football keeper

Power - the ability to apply a combination of strength and speed in an action goal keepers - saving goals martial arts/boxing - blocking, dodging and attacking Racing - starting the race

Reaction time - the time it takes to respond to a stimulus. javelin - throwing the javelin shot put - putting the shot discus - throwing the discus

speed - the fastest rate at which a person can complete a task or cover a distance. swimming - swimming lengths cricket - getting runs athletics - running a race

Skill related fitness components

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