Social Media Marketing (6)


Social Media Marketing
Sarina Strahm
Flashcards by Sarina Strahm, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarina Strahm
Created by Sarina Strahm over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Title tag A title tag is an HTML tag that defines the page’s title.
Tradigital marketing Tradigital marketing is characterized by improvements in interactivity and measurement, but it retains the primarily vertical flow of power in the channels of communication and distribution.
Traffic Advertisers use the term traffic to mean consumers who visit a client, not cars that drive there.
Trail A trail is a reference index of the game including relevant sites, puzzles, in-game characters, and other information. Trails are useful for new players coming late into a game and to veteran players who eagerly try to piece together the narrative.
Transactional advertising Transactional advertising rewards players if they respond to a request.
Transference effect A transference effect occurs when players love a game and some of these positive feelings rub off on the brands they encounter within it.
Transition phase During the transition phase, social media activities still occur somewhat randomly or haphazardly but a more systematic way of thinking starts to develop within the organization.
Transmedia social games Transmedia social games involve two or more different media.
Trial phase The trial phase is the first phase of the adoption cycle. Organizations in the trial phase test out social media platforms, but they don’t really consider how social media can play a role in the overall marketing plan.
Two-step flow model of influence The two-step flow model of influence proposes that a small group of influencers are responsible for dissemination of information because they can modify the opinions of a large number of other people. When the authors run extensive computer simulations of this process, they find that the influence is driven less by influentials and more by the interaction among those who are easily influenced.
Uploading functionalities Uploading functionalities are applications that make it easy to share from many locations.
Urban legends Urban legends are untruths and exaggerations.
URL The URL is the website address.
User forums A user forum is group of people who meet online to communicate about products and help each other solve related problems.
User galleries A user gallery is a virtual gallery where users can share their creations, shopping lists, and wishlists; these exist outside of social commerce but may include galleries that feature products for sale.
User-generated content campaign User-generated content campaigns offer a way for brands to invite consumers to engage and interact while they develop shareable content.
Validation impulse Validation impulse refers to the idea that social media focuses intently on the individual. You can share as much or as little of your opinions and activities, and comment on those of others.
Vehicle Within each medium of communication, marketers can choose specific vehicles to place a message. For instance, within the medium of television, marketers may choose How I Met Your Mother as one vehicle to broadcast their message.
Verbatims Verbatims are the actual comments people post in English or other languages.
Verification Verification occurs when consumers use ratings and reviews as a form of validation just prior to purchase.
Vertical networks Vertical networks are sites designed around object sociality, or the ability of an object to inspire social interaction.
Viewthrough A viewthrough is the number of people who are exposed and do not click through, but who later visit the brand’s website.
Viral spread Viral spread is the speed and intensity of a message across the online population.
Virtual good Virtual goods are intangible goods that that consumers purchase in huge numbers as they continue to spend more of their time in online worlds rather than in the physical world.
Virtual world Virtual worlds are three-dimensional communities where people participate as avatars—digital representations of themselves that can take pretty much any form the person desires. Second Life and Web Alive are examples of virtual world vehicles.
Voting campaigns In voting campaigns, voters are incentivized to vote for a story.
Weak ties Weak ties refer to contacts with whom your relationship is based on superficial experiences or very few connections.
Web crawlers Web crawlers are automated web programs that gather information from sites that ultimately form the search engine’s entries.
White hats White hats play by the rules of the system, striving to provide good quality content, with the best use of keywords and tags, and earned links at reputable sites. They create site maps so that every page is linked to every other page and search engine bots can crawl every page.
Wiki A wiki is a website whose users can add, modify, or delete its content via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor.
Word-of-mouse Word-of-mouse refers to the ease and speed with which people share brand experiences, recommendations, and product-related opinions with others, both negative and positive.
Word-of-mouth (WOM) communication Word-of-mouth (WOM) communication (called influence impressions in social media) and publicity are important forms of earned media. Companies release content through press releases and paid channels, participate in community events and causes, create stunts designed to generate media attention and buzz, and offer exceptional service quality, all with the hope that a brand message will spread.
Word-phrase dictionary A word-phrase dictionary is a program researchers use to code data. The program will scan the text to identify whether the words in the dictionary appear.
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