Classics 102 - Jason and the Argonauts


Chemistry 101 Classics 102 Flashcards on Classics 102 - Jason and the Argonauts , created by jennabarnes12387 on 08/04/2014.
Flashcards by jennabarnes12387, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jennabarnes12387 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How is Jason and the Argonauts not really a story? it has a lot of parts and stories within it so its more of a cycle.
How does the story start? starts with king Athamas of Boeotia who married a sky nymph named Nephele. They had had two children Phrixus and Helle. She left him soon after their were born as she was immortal.
Athamas married again. What was his new wife like? What did she do? she was the original evil stepmother motif. She actively worked against her stepchildren. She told a prophet to tell her husband that he had to sacrifice his children to save his people.
What happened when Athamas tried to sacrifice his children? Nephele grabbed them and put them on the back of a magical, golden, flying ram.
What happened on the trip? Helle fell off the ram and fell to her death. The straight she landed in is still called the Hellespont.
Where did Phrixus end up? What happened when he arrived? He continues east to the town of Colchis by the Black Sea. The king, Aietes, welcomed him. He is the son of Helios, the Sun god and brother of Circe, the sorceress from Crete. He throws him a great banquet and offer Phrixus his daughter Chaciope for his wife
what becomes of the golden fleece? Phrixus sacrifices it to Zeus for safety and prosperity. The Golden fleece was removed and is hung to honor Zeus or Ares. becuase its so valuable it is guarded by a never sleeping serpent AKA a dragon
Who is Athamas' brother? Why is he important? His brother, Chretheus, is king of Iolcus. His son Aeson was the rightful king after him but when he died, Aeson's stepbrother Pelias was made king and Aeson was exiled.
Who was Aeson's son? What happened to him when his father was exiled? His son was Jason. there was a prophecy that Pelias would be killed by a son Aeson so Jason was in danger. He was sent away to be raised by a centaur named Chiron
How is Chiron different then other centaurs? He is wise and civilized unlike other centaurs which are barbaric
What else was Pelias told to be aware of? told to beware the man who wears only one sandal.
Who did Jason help when he was a houng man. How did this help him? He helped an old woman on the river bank which turned out to be Hera. She wanted to help him mostly because Pelias didn't pay proper tribute to her so she was going to help his enemy.
What happened when Jason went to face Pelias? He approached him with only one sandal. Pelias says he will yield to him if he will bring him a gift. He asked for the golden fleece.
What is special about the ship Jason and the Argonauts build to get them to the fleece? he was helped by Athena, Hera, and Zeus is building the Argo. It contained a piece of wood from the sacred tree of Zeus from the grove of Dodoma. the wood could give prophetic speeches
What happens on the journey with monsters? Jason has to pray to Poseidon so that the ship isn't smashed by moving rocks that try to sink them. They eventually reach a river
What happens when they reach the river? They battle with Medea, Princess of Colchis,and sister of Chaciope. She sees Jason an instantly falls in love with him and betrays her father by agreeing to help him get the golden fleece.
How does Medea help Jason? What does she make Jason do in return? She gives him special oils to protect him from pain and by giving him a potion to make the dragon fall asleep. He must vow to marry her
What is Jason's first impossible task? He must plow a furrow with the help of a fire breathing ox. He uses the oil Medea gave him for protection and he is able to do it
What must Jason do next? although Aietes was angry he was also amazed so he told Jason to go get the fleece. He uses the potion Medea gave him to make the dragon fall asleep before he kills it.
What is the last task Jason must fill? He must bring all the teeth from the dragon back and plant them in the furrow he dug. The teeth grew into fully grown soldiers that wanted to kill him. To defeat him he through a rock into their midst and they ended up killing each other with him finishing off the last of them.
What does Jason do after he gets the fleece? He takes Medea with him and they get married. He dedicated the Argo to Poseidon and they sail back to Pelias
What happens when he brings the fleece to Pelias? Pelias still refuses to get off the throne so Jason and Medea decide to get rid of him
What does Medea do to get rid of Pelias? She brings over Pelias' daughters. She chops up an old ram cooks him into a stew with magic herbs and a young ram jumps out of the pot. She gives the girls herbs but not the same ones she used. The daughters think they are helping there father be young again but they just end up killing them
Does Jason become king? What happens The people won't make Jason king as they know he is responsible for Pelias' death. He and Medea leave and go to the city of Corinth. They are stateless there but they have two children?
Jason wants to ensure his children's future. How does he try to do this? He meets and decides to marry the princess of Corinth
How does Medea react when Jason tells her this plan? She freaks out and makes a cloak similar to the one given to Heracles by his wife. The cloak kills the bride and her father when he hugs her. She takes her children with her when she leaves but when Jason tries to stop her she kills them too. Her grandfather Helios sends a chariot pulled by dragons and takes her away to Athens unharmed.
what is most surprising about Medea remaining unharmed? In a situation where family blood is spilled the Furies usually come to punish the killer but this time they do nothing
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