

The TBC story
Mind Map by rpbardoul, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rpbardoul over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Physiological
    1. This is a transient rise (~2h) caused by fear, excitement, pain. Its most common in horses, less in cats, dogs and ruminants
      1. Not pathogenic
    2. Relative- the most common
      1. This is when the fall in plasma colume allows the RBC to appear concentrated. This is most commonly associated with dehydration following vomiting, diarrohea, diuresis or reduced fluid intake
        1. The TP (especially albumin) is elevated
      2. Absolute
        1. Primary- independant of EPO stimulation
          1. Neoplas of the BM
            1. Polycythaemia- this is a rare condition when there is also: thrombocytosis and leukocytoisis
            2. Secondary- this is due to higher EPO concentrations
              1. Appropriate- HYPOXIA response- Chronic pulmonary dz, high alttude or CV shunts which shunt the blood away from the lungs
                1. Innappropriate-This is pretty rare and is associated with renal cysts or neoplasms
              2. This is a rise in PCV, Hb and RBC on haemogram
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