Haemorrhagic Diseases


Doctorate Pathology Mind Map on Haemorrhagic Diseases, created by melian.yates on 20/10/2013.
Mind Map by melian.yates, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by melian.yates almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Haemorrhagic Diseases
  1. Increased Vascular Fragility
    1. Non- Thrombocytopenic purpura
      1. 1) Capillary Damage
        1. Bacterial Toxins
          1. Ex. Septicemia
        2. 2) Chemical or Drug - Induced
          1. Heavy metals, Pesticides, Salicylate (Aspirin)
          2. 3) Anaphylaxis or Allergy
            1. 4) Connective Tissue Disease
              1. Ehlers - Danlos syndrome
                1. Effects connective tissue of Endothelial walls
              2. Inadequate Haemostatic response
                1. Thrombocyte Deficiency or Dysfunction
                  1. Primary Thrombocytopenia Purpura
                    1. Secondary Thrombocytopenia Purpura
                    2. Thrombocytopenia
                      1. A) Decreased platelet production
                        1. Ex. Bone marrow disease
                          1. Bone marrow depleted of Megakaryocytes results in reduced platelets in blood
                            1. May be Pancytopenia if all cell lines affected
                              1. Diseases that depress bone marrow functions:
                                1. Severe viral/bacteria/protozoal infections
                                  1. Plant toxicity
                                    1. Neoplasia
                                2. B) Increased platelet destruction/utilization
                                  1. Usually idiopathic
                                    1. May be immune mediated
                                      1. Primary Immune mediated thrombocytopenia
                                        1. Ab directed at Megakaryocytes
                                        2. Secondary Immune mediated thrombocytopenia
                                          1. FIV, FeLV
                                        3. Non-Immune mediated
                                          1. DIC, Vasculitis
                                          2. Bone marrow may show Megakaryocyte hyperplasia
                                            1. Regeneration
                                          3. C) Platelet sequestration
                                            1. Usually only causes mild thrombocytopenia
                                          4. Thrombopathias
                                          5. Clotting Factor Deficiency or Derangement
                                            1. Usually Familial & Congenital
                                              1. Haemophilia A - Factor VIII deficiency
                                                1. Von Willebrand's Disease (Factor VIII related protein)
                                                  1. 3 types (Dogs)
                                                    1. Results in poor platelet Rxn with Endothelial cells
                                                  2. Most commonly identified in dogs and cats
                                                    1. Aquired Coagulopathies
                                                      1. Vitamin K antagonism (Co-factor for some enzymes involved in coagulation)
                                                        1. Coumarin rodenticides
                                                          1. Some plants
                                                            1. Mouldy Melilotus
                                                          2. Vitamin K Deficiency
                                                            1. Secondary to maldigestion or malabsorption
                                                            2. Liver failure
                                                              1. Lack of production of coagulation factors
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