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Australia and the Fear of Communism
11 Yr 9-10 History (Australia in the Vietnam War Era) Mind Map on Australia and the Fear of Communism, created by ElsienaKate on 04/03/2013.
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australia in the vietnam war era
yr 9-10 history
australia in the vietnam war era
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Australia and the Fear of Communism
Australia was an ally of the USA and Britain.
Australia's Foreign Policy from 1949
1. Communism was a threat to Australia
This was particularly in Asia
2. Australia couldn't adequately defend itself
This was given the experience in WW2
The Australian government sought to strengthen it's relationship with Britain and the USA
3. Australia had to prove its loyalty as an ally
IN 1950 Australia was the first nation to support the US in the Korean War
IN 1950s Australia help British defeat communist rebels in Malaya
1960s Australia supported the US in the Vietnam War
4, Australia needed to use forward defence
This was the tactic to meet threats as far away from mainland Australia as possible
Australia set up military bases outside Australia
Sent troops to fight Asian communism
1949 Liberal government led by Robert Menzies
Banning the Communist Party
Communist party had begun to achieve control in important trade unions
1950: Communist Party Dissolution Bill
Made the party illegal
Allowed the government to seize all its assets
Dr H.V. Evatt (head of Labor party) opposed the bill
Resonse to Communism: 1950 - 1960
The Domino Theory
Belief that if communism was not stopped it would spread
If one state fell, all would fall
The Malayn Emergency
1948: Communist rebels began to operate imn Malay jungle
Government sent Australian ground troops, naval and air force to assist British troops.
The Korean War
1950: North Korean invaded South Korea
Australia supported US and sent forces to defend South Korea
Example of forward defence
The ANZUS Treaty
Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and US
Treaty obliges all three countries to assist eat other in the event of an attack
South-East Asia Treaty Organisation
Alliance of countries opposed to communism in South-East Asia
Include US, Britain, France, Australia, New Zealnd, Thailand, Pakistan and hte Philippines.
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