specialised cells


biology 2A Mind Map on specialised cells, created by 02bomahony on 27/04/2013.
Mind Map by 02bomahony, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 02bomahony about 11 years ago

Resource summary

specialised cells
  1. palisade leaf cells
    1. adapted for photsynthesis
      1. packed with chloroplasts
        1. tall shape, bigger surface area
          1. grouped together at top of leaf
          2. guard cells
            1. open and close pores
              1. kidney shape
                1. thin outer walls, thick inner walls
                  1. sensitive to light, closes at night
                  2. red bloodcells
                    1. adapted to carry oxygen
                      1. concave shape, bigger surface area
                        1. packed with haemoglobin
                          1. pigment that absorbs oxygen
                          2. no nucleus, leave room for haemoglobin
                          3. egg cell
                            1. carry female DNA
                              1. nourish developing embryo
                                1. huge food resources
                                  1. when sperm fuses with egg, membrane changes to stop more in
                                  2. sperm cells
                                    1. long tail, streamlined
                                      1. lots of mitochondria for energy
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